On this NES/Famicom game you are a laboratory assistant. Your laboratory is studying some microscopic creatures in Petri dishes, but they have been contaminated by “impostor” organisms, which try to mimic the real creatures. You need to examine these Petri dishes with a microscope and inject antibiotics into the impostors.
You can recognize an impostor by looking at the creatures on the plate – they should have one or more features in common, but the impostors won’t have the same features. For example, you may notice all creatures are squareish with two fangs… except for one round guy and another one with small teeth. Exterminate these!
After eliminating all the impostors you get to see the entire plate. Let’s get to the next one!
When the time’s up – or if you make too many mistakes – your performance will be evaluated. Will you get to keep your job?
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