There is a lot of misinformation going around that RHDO was involved in RHDN's site issues/closure. This is the misinformation being referenced here.
All copyright has done is kill the games I love most. My respect for it is low. If you want to feel like an product that can be replicated infinitely without further consumption of resources should be throttled for no other reason than money, a limited resource, then you are absolutely mad and do not understand technology. I get why we're so behind now.
Well, guess I'm here now. Hopefully it won't be too painful figuring out what I already have archived and what I don't. I don't know anything about all this. I just hope this site doesn't go away because even if I do keep everything, I don't think I'll ever be able to host myself. You're doing a service.
Hey, spike. Long time CDROMANCE user. I haven't found a way to direct message you... So, I'll say it here. Please create forum sections specifically for A. Requests(From fans to Creators/Hackers) B. Reviews and suggestions(For Hacks) C. Suggestions(For this site) Also, if you allowed us to direct message eachother, add friends and find new people based on profiles... (Basically how Myspace used to be... with the profile customizations and such...) You'd definitely thrive. Especially if people could actually contact translators and hackers to pay them to finish projects, such as Devil Summoner for the saturn/PSP... We also need a way to notify people when they are mentioned in the comments, somewhere. Oh and perhaps a new section for CDROMANCE for pc games such as sengoku rance... There are a few mods for it. Maybe even a place for adult prepatched mod games... 🤔
Thanks man I totally get where they are coming from. Everyone is welcomed to use this site regardless of their opinion of me. Hopefully they can move past that, I don't have problems with anybody. Nobody's perfect.
Don't lose heart, Spike, there is always people that dislike what someone else do on the internet. you are doing a great service to the romhacking community by running RHDO and cdromance. For me, distributing prepatched is much more useful if you want other people to actually use your romhack, since it is much easier for the final user to play them. I've been meaning to publish my romhacks here since i found out about it but haven't out of laziness. Now, with the closure of RHDN and the drama around RHDO, i put some time aside to do it and show my support.
I had a feeling RHDN would eventually turn into just an archive when I originally joined them back in 2016 and saw the general vibe of the site. A couple mods became convinced I was a badhacker over ice cream and dogged me at random until I said '"F this" and started actually making some on a different site. Ironically that got me into general graphics/text hacking, so if I ever come across one of them I'll give them a genuine thank you. Anyway, I feel lucky to have this site and BHDN to share the two sides of my hobby. Both have a ton of chill people that enjoy pushing rom hacking to it's limits in their own ways and I hope they're both around for many years to come.
Nobody said there was a DDOS. I was very careful the way I worded my comment. Please ready it carefully.
There was no DDOS. At the time, RHDN had pissed off MANY romhackers with their treatment of submissions, had limited uploads to 1MB, shutdown for 2 days with no communication. I am a passionate person, and quite blunt, thus the "fuck rhdn". I implore you to watch this video which explains the entire situation quite well.
We are talking about a Moderator role here, not a random user. So, I would expect some neutral and mature attitude towards certain events. That is as simple as that. Anyway, I don't think it matters much who are the mods. The main issue for me, as I said, is the connection between CDRomance and this site.
If you did anything slightly wrong ever like say fuck or shit or laugh at something bad you must be banned from the internet permanently -insane people, 2024
Spike is still the admin, not you. And to be honest, among all people RHDO could have as moderator, having one of the guys who were laughing at running autoclickers on RHDN, stating that RHDN "can fuck off" and deserve to get a DDOS (it does not matter whether the DDOS actually happened or not) is the least reassuring state of affairs. I am sorry guys, but you simply lost all your credibility.
My problem is that I simply cannot trust to give in the hands of a person that runs both websites my romhacks/translations for sharing. As you also suggested, for to be on clear grounds, it should have an independent lead than the one behind CDRomance. Unless the above happens, I don't believe should actually gain any more attention.
Everyone is aware of that. Personally, I don't really care, since the overwhelming majority of these ROMs are not even being sold anymore. But regardless that was my point-- CDR is clearly on shakier ground than sites just sharing romhack patches, and should be spoken of quietly, while this site should be able to gain mainstream attention as RHDN had, because it doesn't tread on any legal toes. And even in terms of romsharing legality, if people have physical copies, they can just say they dumped those roms themselves.
I didn't say anything about this website, I'm just against those which share full pre-patched ROMs. ROMhacking may be "grey area", but ROM sharing is illegal.
mikeprado30 Member
Thanks for this, Spike! Hopefully this place will be growing as expected, and also free of childish arguings.
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