Is it weird that I could see that title being read as "Hey guys we got NUDES now, you MUST OPT IN, or else." Seems relatively uncontroversial, though I think it was a bit too easy to access. Granted, honest to god porn sites with things that made me genuinely question the state of humanity are even easier to access, and it would be a lot of effort for what is basically a list of haha funny nude girl hacks, but it's a concern nonetheless. I could see some angry mums trying to take the site down over it because moderately successful youtuber suggested the site, and ipad kid manages to find the funny nuked hacks option.
I don't see the issue. You don't wanna see the sauce, don't opt in. Crying about it and complaining about how gross it is is just repressive.
This combination of hacks works fine. You can also add High Score SRAM to this to enable your scores to persist after turning off the game.
Nice work, I had attempted to combine a bunch of improvement patches to SSF2, to limited success. (Audio was too low). This patch looks, sounds, and plays the way l was hoping.
It's fun being able to play this Absolute Classic without the slowdown. I downloaded this back in March when Kando posted about it on Twitter.
Unfortunately no, the CPU needs to be overclocked to work properly. In the future, we may have a new solution!
If they are *faithful* translations, and you are not adding content that was not in the original, they will absolutely be accepted.
It is kind of ironic how so many comments said they needed RHDN to stay around to keep track of translations of games that never left Japan, but most PC-98 translations were never allowed there to begin with. RHDN was never suitable for all translations despite what many apparently thought. Actually, now that I think about it though, it always felt a little weird to me. Most translation files don't themselves contain any explicit content, other than strings of course. You don't need to include explicit screenshots for those games, and it is not like the content of the games themselves are hosted on site, right? So why ban them? SEO is my guess, but I don't really know. Thank you for your work by the way, you are giving these games a new life outside Japan.
Is awesome! Congratulations. This is such a wonderful job that it would be worth making the small arrangements that are missing sound. Great job Segaman, you are The Master
Alright, just checked the updated guidelines. It excludes a big part of my work (Yu-No, Rance and Lakers series for instance), but some of it would be OK. I'll make some stuff ready for submission later.
By "nude hacks", do you also mean adult/NSFW games too? I got quite a few PC-98 translations that I could submit, but there is a bit more than just "nudity" in them.
Mind sharing why something being here that you have to opt-in to even see offends you? Seems creepily childish for someone who is presumably an adult posting.
crow Read-only
this is the Dolsilwa/Hiryuu hack with some grphic fixes
Super Street Fighter II – Arcade Edition (Genesis) Romhack - August 25, 2024