Utility:  Streets of Rage 2 ROM Editor
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Last updated:  February 9, 2023
Downloads:  52

Streets of Rage 2 ROM Editor 2.22 By: LightRayn A.K.A ~Ryan McQuinn

Version 2.87 – Added ability to change which music plays on which stage. Just put the BGM number in the corresponding box. Example: to change the music for stage 1-1 to BGM 09, simply put “09″ into the box for 1-1.

Another bug fix version 2.25 – The program was padding the converted music files a bit too much. It is suggested that if you have converted any .mub’s to .bin, they be reconverted. If you need help, contact LightRayn either on the project blog or via PM.

Hotfix version 2.23 – I found a bug in the mub converter and corrected it.

New in version 2.22:

You can now replace the music in the SOR 2 ROM! For instructions watch the how to video below.

Link to video – How to replace music: https://youtu.be/LElpeVm2YRs

Link to video how to: https://youtu.be/KMU-FE03O7w

Link to Project Blog: https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=36015.0

Link to palettes of Rage with added screens (shown in first video): Palettes of Rage: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DcJCXLZptvn-Q01nDpMZtr1YlFKc-8u9/view?usp=share_link

Note: .Net 6.0.8 (or higher) runtime files needed to run. Link: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0

Lightrayn put together a utility that allows you to replace various screens, such as the title screen, with the click of a button. You can now also Replace text throughout the ROM, and there’s a built in Checksum fixer.

  • ***The program can replace every screen in Syndicate Wars except the Portraits!****
  • ***If you already have modified templates from the Screen Replacer, extract the zip to a new folder and copy over the modified template images to the new folder. Otherwise they will be overwritten!****

Portraits for Syndicate Wars will be included in a future release.

If you have any images already modified, make sure to back them up! Extracting the files in the zip will replace all files!

This Utility includes guide files similar to the ones in Pancake 2. The guide files for the Original SOR 2 ROM and Syndicate Wars 0.9 are included. The guide files contain the offsets for each corresponding screen. If you have any questions please post them in the above linked blog. Thanks for downloading!

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