Handy, light and ultra-miniature multiarchitectural assembler, building any ASM code for selected architecture directly to rom without of object files intermeditation and not inclined to “distort” a source code during assemblying like a GAS or many other assemblers.
For now, the next architectures is supported:
1802 | RCA 1802 |
6502 | MOS Technology 6502 |
6502U | MOS Technology 6502 with undocumented instructions |
65C02 | Rockwell 65C02 |
6809 | Motorola 6809 |
6800 6802 | Motorola 6800 |
6801 6803 | Motorola 6801 |
6805 | Motorola 6805 |
6303 | Hitachi 6303 (6800 variant) |
6811 68HC11 68HC711 68HC811 68HC99 |
Motorola 68HC11 variants |
68HC16 | Motorola 68HC16 |
68HSC08 | Motorola 68HSC08 (6805 variant) |
68K 68000 | Motorola 68000 |
68010 | Motorola 68010 |
8051 | Intel 8051 variants |
8080 | Intel 8080 |
8085 | Intel 8085 |
8085U | Intel 8085 with undocumented instructions |
ARM | ARM (32-bit little-endian) |
ARM_BE | ARM big-endian |
ARM_LE | ARM little-endian |
THUMB | ARM Thumb (16-bit little-endian) |
THUMB_BE | ARM Thumb big-endian |
THUMB_LE | ARM Thumb little-endian |
F8 | Fairchild F8 |
TOM | Atari Jaguar GPU |
JERRY | Atari Jaguar DSP |
Z80 | Zilog Z-80 |
GBZ80 | Gameboy Z-80 variant |
Since 2.0b5u1 version, the support of Hitachi SH-1 and SH-2 is added, and also the bug with incomplete inclusions of binary files is fixed.
René "db-electronics" Richard (this build of ASMX is based on his fork)
Tomahomae (made an u1 update of 2.0b5 version)
Tomahomae (made an u1 update of 2.0b5 version)
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