Translation » NES
Dragon Warrior II
- Status:
- Complete
- Language:
- Bulgarian
- AdventurersBG
The founder of Hamster Translations, a translation group from Bulgaria. You ever heard of Baba Vanga? The Rose Valley? The Bulgarian yogurt? No? Well, that's what you may know this country for.
I got into ROM hacks about four years ago. I immediately wanted to make my own ones, but thought this requires too much skills for a layman like me.
But one day someone showed me how to change the color of Mario's overalls in SMB1 by just opening some program called a hex editor and replacing these two numbers. That completely blew my mind! Graphical hacks is where I started from, since these are the easiest to make. Then I learned how to edit text, levels...
I am also a linguist at heart, so I combined the interest in romhacking with this passion and started translating games, with the help of my brother (KaptainAlexander). I was also collaborating with another group, AdventurersBG.
As of now, I lost interest, but am trying to share the Bulgarian patches everywhere I can.
Website: https://hamstertranslations.blogspot.comTranslation » NES
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Translation » NES