Romhack » Genesis
My name is Adrian, if you prefer you can call me by my pseudonym name ''Oysterblade84'' which is what i'm known as on Youtube, but I honestly prefer my real name. Lots of legends within the gaming community use their real names like ''Matt Furniss'' and ''Yuzo Koshiro''.
Happy retro gamer here who grew up playing Sega Master system and Sega Mega Drive games, still play them to this day.
I adore anything Sega Master System, Sega Mega Drive and Sega Mega-CD related.
I have a youtube channel on retro Sega memorabilia where you can find various playthroughs of games, game soundtracks and the occasional review video with commentary by myself.
I am also happily married with two beautiful children and work full time. Balancing and juggling family time and game time is sometimes very challenging although I do prioritise family over my hobbies as should be.
I may share other ROM hacks made by other members of the community on here from time to time, either with me adding in some slight improvements to them myself or just archiving them in their original state, but don't worry, I will NOT ever pass any of these off as my own work and do NOT claim any ownership of any of these hacks in my library. The original author(s) will always have their name available on the page and the hacks/patches I share are usually really old, hard to find nowadays, rare, lack of advertisement and or heavily ignored by a lack of acknowledgement towards the original author which is where I come in and i'm more than happy to give them some renewed interest in their work.
Website: https://www.youtube.com/@Oysterblade84/featuredRomhack » Genesis
Romhack » Genesis
Romhack » Genesis
Romhack » Genesis
Romhack » SMS
Romhack » Genesis
Romhack » Genesis
Romhack » Genesis
Romhack » SMS
Romhack » Genesis