This patches the original Nintendo NES game rom “ZELDA 2 ADVENTURE OF LINK”
to “ZELDA 2 A AVENTURA DE LINK”, with texts and in-game dialogues in galician language.
File SHA-1: 2A4CBE0C8CBA75764484D5196A3A36655BBC6C33
File CRC32: 7FDA9179
ROM SHA-1: 6168DDC77C8703EA0A034F79AD0025BC420D634B
ROM CRC32: 262F31AC
File CRC32: 7FDA9179
ROM SHA-1: 6168DDC77C8703EA0A034F79AD0025BC420D634B
ROM CRC32: 262F31AC
This translation to galician language was made by Manuel Riguera for "RC Translations",
part of "La Retrocaverna".
part of "La Retrocaverna".
File download: