An addendum patch for the NES game “Venus Senki – Back the City”, based on the translation patch by J2E Translations, is up for download. This should make the game translated from beginning to end.
The patch comes in four flavors…
- Venus Wars – Back the City (addendum).ips
- This patch requires a pre-patched ROM that already have J2E’s patch applied (IPS format)
- Venus Wars – Back the City (addendum).bps
- This patch requires a pre-patched ROM that already have J2E’s patch applied (BPS format)
- Venus Wars – Back the City (full patch).ips
- This patch requires a clean and unaltered Venus Senki ROM (IPS format)
- Venus Wars – Back the City (full patch).ips
- This patch requires a clean and unaltered Venus Senki ROM (BPS format)
What’s been changed?
- A new font has been used for this game patch
- Any errors and formatting issues with the game’s text have been fixed
- Password has been hacked so that English letters can be displayed and inputted so that English passwords can be used (A document with passwords for all missions is included with this patch
- The ending text has been translated, thanks to Bunkai
- In the “Operating Room”, the stats on the “Member” page has been changed…
- “Move” has been renamed “Mobility”
- “Missile” has been renamed “Missiles”
- “Quick” has been renamed “Agility”
- “Point” has been renamed “Points”
Many thanks to AnusP, necrosaro, and Luke Drelick for their efforts with their patch. This addendum wouldn’t have been possible without their efforts.
Many thanks, also, to Bunkai for translating the ending text and to Googie for beta testing the addendum patch.
CRC-32: e1123ca2
SHA-1: 30d2ab4aaad05c2202b1ad89abf93f4871b3fe21
Filename: venus20.nes
CRC-32: 7561205c
SHA-1: 0b5d75dcdb0a700e735655d4961ef284b36ff401
AnusP: Original Hacking
Luke Drelick: Original Translation
BlackPaladin: Font Replacement, Password Screen Hacking, Text Editing and Reformatting
Bunkai: Translated the Ending Text
Googie: Beta Testing