I bring you yet another re-upload today from my 2020 collection
Today is yet another semi-classic from Capcom’s Disney tie-in lineup
and while it isn’t strictly a Disney Afternoon game, the movie actually did get a TV show as well, so it’s sort of a Disney Afternoon tie-in
The game in question is The Little Mermaid, very loosely based on the plot of the movie with a lot of.. lets say creative freedom taken xD
Definitely not as memorable a game as the rest of Capcom’s Disney lineup, this game is more of you baby’s first shooter, with the difficulty definitely aimed at less experienced players.
That being said, if you take the game for what it is, and don’t mind and easy time that will probably be beaten within an hour or so, then The Little Mermaid is a perfectly fine little game in it’s own right.
As for the translation work I’ve done here, its mostly consist of the dialogue and story cutscenes between levels, as well as some menu stuff and ofc the title screen itself.
While the hack itself wasn’t the most challenging to work with, I am glad I did it, cause studying the code did teach me a few good pointers for future NES hack projects.
Again, this hack is definitely on the simpler side but I did make sure to take the necessary time to make sure it received the care and attention to make sure everything looked nice and polished and I think it turned out rather well in the end, and I hope it’ll come through to anyone playing it too.
And I mean, seeing as The Little Mermaid is based on the classic Hans Christian Andersen story, it only makes sense that it should receive a Danish translation, right?
Her er endnu en af mine Danske oversættelser fra 2020
Denne gang er det NES spillet The Little Mermaid eller Den Lille Havfrue, udviklet af Capcom som også lavede alle de andre klassiske Disney spil på konsollen, og selvom Den Lille Havfrue måske ikke er det mest kendte spil i deres lineup, så er det stadig et underholdene lille som kan overstås på måske en time.
For selvom spillet i den grad er på den letter side, så er gameplayet stadig veldesignet og sjovt. Man skal bare lige holder sine forventninger under kontrol.
Selve oversættelsen består i korte træk mest af de histories sekvenser og dialog der udspiller sig imellem banerne såvel som redigering af pause skærmen og title skærmen.
Selvom The Little Mermaid måske ikke er et spil der ligefrem skriger efter en oversætelse så er jeg alligevel ret glad for jeg har gjort det da jeg under projektet fik en bedre forståelse for måden spillet var bygget op som jeg senere har kunne bruge til andre projekter. Så at kunne flytte rundt på elemnter i koden for at skave plads andre steder. Det var f.eks nødvendigt for at kunne få plads til bane navne og pause skærm grafikken.
Og selvfølgelig så syntes jeg jo også at et spil der bygger (løst) på et Dansk eventyr fortjener at burde kunne spilles på Dansk også 🙂
Den Lille Havfrue er en forholdsvis simpel translation hack men alligevel har jeg brugt meget tid og været meget nøje med at få alle detaljerne rigtige så det hele er sat ordenligt og præsentabelt op og syntes også slut produktet er blevet ganske fint, hvilket jeg håber også vil være tilfældes for alle der spiller den.
God fornøjelse.
CRC-32: 8eb97db
SHA-1: 20622bb297a09e0d4863df21256b25210cbecd8a
Most of the files you're about to download need to be applied to your game. Here is a list of utilities that allow you to do this:
- Online Patcher: Marc Roblero's online patcher. Works with many different file types.
- Floating IPS: NWell-known patcher for applying IPS and BPS files.
- Delta Patcher: Used to apply xDelta files.
- More Patchers
On most files, you can also press “Patch It”, to apply the patch without downloading the file.