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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.2
Last updated:  December 1, 2024
Downloads:  10

Another Danish translation hack that I’ve had lying on my harddisk for years that I finally decided to upload

It’s another simple and rudimentary hack that translated Super Mario Bros 2 into Danish.
The game isn’t really very text-heavy but there still is a tad bit more than in the first game and some of it needed some additional changes to the code to help align it an fix color clash issues and I think it turned out rather way. There were a few parts where I had to be a little creative though.
The hardest part was probably the very last moment of the game where I had to change the “The End” animation. That one was tricky to work out but I still think the result turned out servicable.

I’ve playtested the hack a few times and believe I’ve caught every bug, typo or other unwanted issues so I will consider this hack complete and finished as is unless I happen to find anything I’ve overlooked.

I hope you’ll enjoy Mario’s second NES outing. Now fully playable from beginning to end in Danish



Når man siger A må man også sige B, så her er min Danske oversættelse af Super Mario Bros 2 til NES konsollen.
Spillet er ikke just kendt for at have oceaner af tekst men der var  alligevel  et par ting der skulle finkæmmes for tekst og jeg tror jeg har fundet stortset alt
Der var også et par tekniske udfordringer udover bare at oversætte denne gang og det var nøvendig at ændre på nogle småting hist og her i koden for at få det hele til at spille og se pænt ud, uden grafiske glitches osv.

Jeg håber I vil kunne lide denne simple hack. For selvom det bare er en translation hack var der meget der skulle nøje gennemgå og finpudses for at opnå den kvalitet det færdige produkt har.


Filename: Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA) (Rev A).nes
CRC-32: e0ca425c
SHA-1: 67f68cabc5237a5892aff746f5b784c62fccdfac
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