This translations is based in the original Pablito’s/Vagrant Traducciones patch, and is an update of my previous translation. Not only typos, but also translations error and pointers has been changed, to enhance the translation. Not only the English script was used to translate – sites like SuikoSource, Legend of Localization and Gensopedia were consulted as well. Thanks to Pyriel, this translation also have fixed Clay Guardian and Guardian of Earth spells, both broken in the original PAL and NTSC game.
This is a xdelta patch, so you’ll need the deltapatcher utility.
-Size: 590843568 bytes
-CRC32: 66176db6
-MD5: fa873f86edf4811aca51395218f704f0
-SHA1: 7654c3040813c737472445e4d9ef046a1d7af76a
-Size: 590843568 bytes
-CRC32: 66176db6
-MD5: fa873f86edf4811aca51395218f704f0
-SHA1: 7654c3040813c737472445e4d9ef046a1d7af76a
Pablito's - First project manager and romhacker
Vagrant Traducciones - First patch to spanish
foldo - Translation, romhacking and betatesting
Pyriel - Bug fix patch
Vagrant Traducciones - First patch to spanish
foldo - Translation, romhacking and betatesting
Pyriel - Bug fix patch
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