Game Name: 
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.0
Last updated:  July 28, 2021
Downloads:  7

Power of the Hired is a turn based SNES strategy RPG similar to Arc the Lad on Playstation. It was developed and published by NCS’s video game division Masaya, which was released exclusively in Japan in December 22, 1994.

The game features a party of four playable heroes called “Beast Mages” that the player must use to fight off overwhelming waves of enemies. The characters are each able to summon two beasts to help in battle and with the help of these beasts, the player is able to tactically conquer each of the game’s scenarios. Depending on the beasts summoned, the characters’ magic will change and their spell composition will differ. Several scenarios require that the player acts quickly to avoid various dangers, such as a burning bridge that the characters need to quickly vacate in order to survive. Whereas other scenarios require the player to protect NPCs while they are escaping from danger themselves.

This translation is complete and fully playable in the Romanian language. In order for this patch to be applied, the ROM must have no header and must be 1.50 MB (1,572,864 bytes) in size under “Properties”. The original Japanese version of the ROM must be used for patching. A readme.txt file is included in the .zip file along with the .ips patch.

File: Power of the Hired (J).sfc
Company: NCS
Header: None
Bank: LoROM
Interleaved: None
SRAM: 64 Kb
Type: Normal + Batt
ROM: 12 Mb
Country: Japan
Video: NTSC
ROM Speed: 120ns (FastROM)
Revision: 1.0
Checksum: Good 0xBCEA
Game Code: ALUJ
CRC32: CF276C80
MD5: 4296780E368C36B59DE3C17AE9148F87
Recca: Romanian translation
Bongo`: Hacking
Gerb: Original English translation
taskforce: Graphics work
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Help about patching:

Most of the files you're about to download need to be applied to your game. Here is a list of utilities that allow you to do this:

On most files, you can also press “Patch It”, to apply the patch without downloading the file.

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