Phantasy Star Gaiden is a game that follows Alis’ journey to another star system. The player starts out by learning that a great battle was waged in this star system many years ago, and a great evil was sealed on a colony planet. Alis finds this system and names it Alisland. It is now AW813 and that evil is about to reawaken.
Two IPS patches are included for thin font and thick font. Only apply one patch, not both.
Phantasy Star Gaiden (Japan).gg
CRC32: A942514A
MD5: 54BE96CA21885145108F1C02E4D88EBA
SHA-1: 914F1E693F396794A37B5D99ACAF5DB54FE529C2
CRC32: A942514A
MD5: 54BE96CA21885145108F1C02E4D88EBA
SHA-1: 914F1E693F396794A37B5D99ACAF5DB54FE529C2
Faraday: Translation
taskforce: Hacking
Wildbill: Script Editing
taskforce: Hacking
Wildbill: Script Editing
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