“Moeru! Oniisan” (lit. “Burn! Older Brother”) is a gag manga/anime by Tadashi Satō/Kenji Terada, which was showcased in Weekly Shounen Jump. Toho released a video game based on the series for the NES/Famicom, in which Kenichi and his friends have to save his younger sister, Yukie, from a wicked dragon. The game’s title is translated under its most well-known title “The Burning Wild Man”.
This game was released in the US, albeit heavily altered. Stages were rearranged, music was changed, the license stripped, its plot modified, and a circus theme was applied, released under the name “Circus Caper”. This patch translates the game into English how it originally was meant to be.
CRC-32: 5f4cc4e
SHA-1: 5f0f21920c9c23c188e5840bc2f6669db640864d
Ratting: Japanese-to-English Translation
cccmar: Beta Testing
nf6429: Beta Testing