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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.04
Last updated:  September 4, 2015
Downloads:  85

Lennus-II is a true sequel to Paladin’s Quest, but stands alone quite well. Those of us who have worked on this translation project through the years are convinced it is one of the best all time SNES/Super Famicom RPGs. Players who enjoyed Paladin’s Quest years ago tell us that Lennus-II definitely delivers the RPG goods! Its storyline is much deeper than some reviewers of the Japanese version have indicated, causing me to ponder if those individuals were actually fluent in that language. Near its conclusion, Lennus-II presents an intriguing plot twist. Its theme is mature, and I suggest that people who neither played nor enjoyed Paladin’s Quest view it separately.

File: Lennus II - Fuuin no Shito (Japan).sfc
CRC32: C68BE22A
MD5: 52AF259A C9347CD2 B6AE4506 71E9DBD6
SHA1: 3CDEC34B F2652B27 8ED482D3 F425EFFF 2AA64E7E
Akujin: Translation
Daimajin: Translation
Xeur: Translation
PhatOo7: Translation
Bongo`: Hacking
Wildbill: Script Writing
Draken: Script Editing
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5 months ago

maybe there could be addon patch what changes title screen to paladin’s quest II

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