This is a retranslation of Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust Gaiden, also known as Armored Dragon Legend Villgust or Armed Fantasy Dragon Villgust. At some point a discussion concerning old, inaccurate/problematic patches took place between the authors, and this game came up as an obvious candidate for retranslation. It’s a spin-off/prequel to the events of the manga/OVA. The whole franchise is based on a series of toys, and it still has some following even today. The patch should be an improvement over the old one in every way, with everything translated.
No-Intro Name: Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust Gaiden (Japan)
(No-Intro version 20130731-235630)
File SHA-1: 2B485675298722C4C0EAED0F3C705FF5C1B8A73D
ROM SHA-1: 026D0BD1E7C63B6963B89C59EC7FA725273AB26D
(No-Intro version 20130731-235630)
File SHA-1: 2B485675298722C4C0EAED0F3C705FF5C1B8A73D
ROM SHA-1: 026D0BD1E7C63B6963B89C59EC7FA725273AB26D
TheMajinZenki: Translation
Supper: Hacking
cccmar: Script Editing
Supper: Hacking
cccmar: Script Editing
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