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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.0
Last updated:  February 26, 2025
Downloads:  318

Translation patch for the game Kaze no NOTAM, all the Japanese texts has been translated into English, as have the tasks and the interface navigation.

The idea of ​​making the English version came from Joo after the Portuguese version was released in 2023. His intention was for his foreign friend to be able to play the game, and for that he needed help from denpakei with the translation. I provided all the support I could to make the idea come to life by translating the graphics into English. Unfortunately, over time, other priorities ended up appearing in his life, causing the project to gradually come to a hault.

In 2024, the Portuguese project was reposted on the website CDRomance by Teone, who appears to be a Brazilian collaborator. I was quite surprised not only by the post itself, but also by the amount of comments from people wanting an English version. I never imagined that the interest in the game was so big! I had only heard about it on YouTube and never paid any attention to it. I ended up sympathizing with the comments and ended up remembering the English project that my friends were doing, and then I asked if they still wanted to do what they needed to do. They said that all that was missing was some bits of text and the insertion of them. I wanted to help but I was so busy with my other translation projects that I didn’t want to even more overwhelmed than I already was.

At the beginning of 2025, I finally created an account to access the “repo” and get some games, and that’s when I came across the Kaze no Notam post again and ended up remembering the English project, and at that point I determined myself to make the project happen. I went over to denpakei wanting the textures, but we both decided to start again from scratch. The process itself was very fast, while I received his translations, I immediately translated the graphics. The whole process took around 4 to 5 days, and then it was finally completed! I have to admit that I delayed the launch of it to prioritize the group website that I wanted to have done before any projects came out, but anyways, I was able to launch it! Even though I had done the process of editing the graphics and the insertion of those, if it weren’t for Joo and denpakei, this project wouldn’t even have existed in the first place.

Finally, I hope you enjoy the translation. Most of the game was originally in English, only the most important texts were in Japanese. Portuguese was the hardest part, even requiring editing of a 3D model (the “END” 3D model).

I would like to thank Teone; I hope you keep bringing lots of incredible content to the website, in addition to the translations from the Brazilian community! I doubt you’ll need it, but if you need any help with information about some translations in Portuguese, I’m available.

– Jv132

Filename: Kaze no Notam - Notam of Wind (Japan, Asia) (Track 1).bin
CRC-32: 69a08be
SHA-1: c572f9b6d33ea285fc0d460864cac593a0ee5967
Translation: denpakei, Joo
Graphics: Jv132
Revision: Neo01
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26 days ago

Muito foda! Que bizarro ler isso, sinto que pela primeira vez contruibuí pra sociedade mesmo que indiretamente HAUHEUHAEHAU

Obrigado por ter se importado em fazer um patch pro inglês também. Eu só descobri esse jogo por culpa da sua tradução e o achei extremamente adorável. Não sou muito fã de jogos de simulação, como os de aviões ou de trens, mas tem algo no fato de ser um BALÃO que acaba dando a volta e deixando ele fascinante pra mim. Fora a capa e as músicas. É engraçado descobrir um jogo de ps1 que se eu tivesse jogado quando tinha um ps1 (criança/adolescente) eu detestaria, ao mesmo tempo que parece ter sido feito certinho pra minha cabeça de adulto. O ruim de descobri-lo adulto é que não tive tempo pra jogá-lo o quanto gostaria. :c

Depois me fala onde eu consigo falar melhor com você.

27 days ago

This game looks very nice. Thank you very much for your effort to translate it!
I have some issues applying the patch. It seems that your hash for this game is not the same as the hash from (crc32: 86106764).

Last edited 27 days ago by nosugar
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