Spanish translation for Go go Ackman 3, based on the awesome work of Reld.
The script has been fully translated and only some graphics and chapter names are still in english, special Spanish punctuation characters were added to the font for proper punctuation.
This work uses Castilian Spanish ONLY, so, none of the so called “neutral Spanish” is to be found here, keep it in mind, user discretion is advised.
Filename: Go Go Ackman 3 (J) [!].smc
CRC-32: 9a18290c
SHA-1: 3059c420b63d7a6e9126037231021026c41e88c0
CRC-32: 9a18290c
SHA-1: 3059c420b63d7a6e9126037231021026c41e88c0
Original hacking and japanese translation work was done by a romhacker by the name Reld.
File download: