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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.053rtm
Last updated:  December 30, 2021
Downloads:  33

This patch translates Dragon Quest I+II from Japanese to English, fixing all the bugs that froze the game or avoided playing it normally. Based on the RPGOne’s translation (2002). It must be applied to an unheadered “Dragon Quest I&II (Japan)” ROM.

The aforementioned bugs that this patch fixes include:

  • The freezing text in the inn of Beran / Beranule.
  • Rolando cloning bug in Leftwyne / Liriza.
  • An untranslated text in Japanese belonging to an alternate variant of the ending of Dragon Quest 1 that happened when you complete the game with the Princess Laura in your arms, has been translated.
  • Occasional main characters’ misnamings in Dragon Quest 2 are fixed.
  • The bug that avoided saving the game in Dragon Quest 1 after reaching maximum level (level 30) is fixed.
  • The randomized system of name generation for the Princess of Moonbrook and the Prince of Sumaltria / Cannock in Dragon Quest 2 has been restored to its full functionality, that it had in the row Japanese original ROM.
  • The nun’s endless looping dialog in Dragon Quest 2 that appears near the end after having defeated Hargon has been fixed.
  • The bug that occurred when using the cheat for customizing the names of the Princess and the Prince of Sumaltria in Dragon Quest 2, if you used a name bigger than 5 letters for the Princess, has been fixed.
  • Wrongly stated price per night in the inn of Beranule has been fixed.
  • A dialog that was cut during the DQ1 final battle (before King Dragon transforms).
  • It’s not necessary to press A Button three times anymore when using field magic spells, as it was in the Japanese row ROM (very useful).
  • “Ball of Light” replaced by “Light Orb” (as in the Game Boy Color official English translation), that sounds more solemn.
  • The item “Eye of Malroth”, that wrongly appeared like “Statue of Evil” in the inventory, has been fixed.
  • The amount of money stored in the vault is not misinformed anymore, when higher than 65535 gold pieces.
  • The original possible random names for the Princess of Moonbrook and the Prince of Sumaltria have been restored as they were in the Japanese ROM (transcribed to their etymological Latin).

They are for the Princes: Rolando, Kain, Arthur, Conan, Kooky, Tonelat, Esgar, Paulos And for the Princesses: Airin, Maria, Nana, Akina, Purine, Maiko, Linda, Samantha.

  • Mziab’s pre-existing patch for fixing the broken title screen in Dragon Quest 1 has been added.

More information about new updates and bug fixes inside the readme.

This patch has been made by Rod Merida, with the participation of other members of Crackowia team, like Vicks Dg, who betatested the Inn of Beranule and Nun’s bugs; Dudejo, who has betatested Dragon Quest 2 RPGOne’s English screen, in order to make it clean of any kind of text overflows and extra, undiscovered bugs; and Lilpuddy31, who has betatested Dragon Quest 1 RPGOne’s English screen with a similar result.

Database match: Dragon Quest I & II (Japan)
Database: No-Intro: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20210222-050638)
File/ROM SHA-1: 1C0C6D78BF2BC29160ADF48B17EBF5A5BC46230E
File/ROM CRC32: 98BB6853
Rod Merida for the Bugfixing.
SpSpiff, ChrisRPG, and Near for original work.
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