This patch translates Dragon Quest I+II from Japanese to Spanish, and removes the bugs that freeze Dragon Quest 2 during certain dialogs, like the one in the Inn of Beranule / Beran, after curing the Prince Rolando / Kain from his curse. Another example of this is a dialog with a monk near the end of DQ2, after defeating the final enemy.
It also fixes once for all the cloning error that makes Rolando appear double in the city of Liriza / Leftwyne after having joined your party. Added to this, it restores the randomized naming system of DQ2, for the Princess and the Prince, based on what name you chose.
The total amount of money stored in the vault whenever it’s bigger than 65535 is now well informed.
It’s possible to save now in DQ1 after reaching maximum level (lv. 30).
It also fixes the final “o” of Rolando that becomes erased after curing him from his curse, in Beranule, and it fixes the bugs that happen when using the cheat for customizing the name of the princess with a name with more than 5 letters (what mixed the names of the princess and Rolando’s in some dialogs, and also replaced the name of Rolando by the 7th and 8th letters of the name of the princess, in some other texts).
This is the first translation of Dragon Quest 1 & 2 to a Western language that doesn’t block the game in such points, what avoided further advance, and which restores the original Japanese randomized naming system. It needs to be added to a “Dragon Quest I & II [Japan]” ROM (whose CRC32 checksum is 98BB6853) with no header.
Other bugs that were present in previous Western translations that are not present with this patch are some issues of main characters misnaming in some dialogs, if we alter the order of our party members.
Added to this, this translation keeps special attention to a style and kind of speech that suits with Middle Ages, or warriors’ times, as it happens in the NES official translation to English of these games (Dragon Warrior 1 and 2). All this has been done in a way that is faithful to the original script in every aspect. Additionally, all the special symbols of Spanish language that were required have been added. There’s no untranslated phrase or sentence. Altered status names during battles (in red colour) are translated too.
The names of enemies have been translated based on the SNES Japanese names (sometimes taking into account the NES English version, too); but a second optional patch is added that translates such enemy names according to the official names used by Square-Enix in modern Spanish translations. There’s more information inside the readme.
This work has been made from scratch by Rod Merida, with the participation of other members from Traducciones Crackowia team, with further reviewing and corrections made by Vicks Dg, additional script review and bugs reporting for Dragon Quest 2 by Ibai Martín. Dudejo has participated in detecting and reporting some undiscovered bugs in RPGOne’s English translation of Dragon Quest 2, that have been applied to this Spanish translation, and Lilpuddy31 has done the same with Dragon Quest 1.
This is an English to Spanish translation that parts from a previously existing Japanese to English translation patch, made by RPGOne Team. This patch can be directly applied to the raw Japanese ROM.
CRC-32: 98bb6853
SHA-1: 1c0c6d78bf2bc29160adf48b17ebf5a5bc46230e
Main betatester: Vicks Dg.
Aditional betatesting (DQ2): Iba Martín, Dudejo
Aditional betatesting (DQ1): Lilpuddy31
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- Online Patcher: Marc Roblero's online patcher. Works with many different file types.
- Floating IPS: NWell-known patcher for applying IPS and BPS files.
- Delta Patcher: Used to apply xDelta files.
- More Patchers
On most files, you can also press “Patch It”, to apply the patch without downloading the file.