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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.2
Last updated:  December 27, 2024
Downloads:  13

Here is yet another of my old romhacks from 2020 that I’m now re-uploading to Romhackplaza

This time I’m bringing you the NES semi-classic Darkwing Duck, which was created using a modified Mega Man engine and made by Capcom, like the rest of the NES Disney Afternoon tie-ins.

As for the translation work in this one, this was a relatively basic project, seeing as there isn’t really much text to speak of, and what IS there can easily be ignored with no impact to the gameplay
But seeing as I’ve been translating all the other Disney Afternoon Capcom games, I figured I should probably do this one as well
especially cause I actually have some nostalgia for this one as it was one of the few NES games I got to play a bit of back in the 90s. Though I could not even get past a single stage back then.

That being said, it’s not like there is no text to be found in the game tho. There are dialogue at th beginning and en of the game as well as level descriptions and some other miscellaneous stuff.
Fortunately enough, as I went through the game’s code, I was able to locate some spare memory, meaning I was able to expand a little on the amount of text that was available in-game. This means that the dialogue didn’t need to sound so abridged and shorted and actually closer to natural speech, which is a luxury on the NES.
Besides that, I was also able to expand the available character set in memory to allow for the addition of lower-case letters which I feel gives the presentation a nice polish compared to a wall of big bold letters.
That is all a matter of preference ofc so I’m including 2 .ips patches so you can choose yourself which type of presentation you prefer.

I hope you’ll all enjoy this hack. simple as it might seem, there are still a lot of stuff going on behind the scene to make sure the finished product appears as polished as possible and I hope that the effort I put into creating it comes to show.


Her får I så endnu en af mine gamle romhacks fra 2020

Denne gang er det den bevingede helt, Darkwing Duck som står for skud i hans semi-hit på NES konsollen som køre på en modificeret Mega Man engine, hviket man hurtigt mærker når man spiller den.
Og selvom spillet måske ikke helt får den same fanfare som f.eks Ducktales og Rescue Rangers, så er der her stadig tale om et gennemført og veldesignet platform spil.
Det er dog uden tvivl Darkwing Duck temaet der gør at vi stadig snakker om spillet idag.
Capcom stod for alle NES spil der var beslægtet med de gamle TV series fra Disney Sjov tilbage i ’80erne og ’90erne og selvom kvaliteten varierede så bliver de stadig betragtet som nogle af de mere ikoniske spil på maskinen den dag idag.

Darkwing Duck er ikke ligesfrem hvad man vil kalde et text-heavy spil men alligevel er der lidt tekst at finde, som selve åbningen, slutningen og beskrivende tekst før man starter en bane.  Så forholdsvis simpel.
Under mit arbejde med spillet lykkedes det mig dog at lokaliserer lidt ekstra memory i spillets kode, hvilket betød jeg kunne få lidt ekstra plads til tekst så det hele ikke behøvede at lyde så forkortet og lidt mere naturligt. Og det er trods alt en luksus man ikke altid har adgang til på NESen.
Og udover det fandt jeg også plads nok til at inkludere hele alfabetet af små bogstaver så man ikke længere er begrænset til at skulle se på en væg af blokbogstaver.
Det er selvfølgelig ikonisk for NESen men jeg syntes nu at det giver et nydeligt udseende som ser lidt mere appealing ud.
Men det er selvfølgelig smag og behag så jeg har inkluderet begge .ips patches her så man selv kan vælge hvad man synes bedst om.

Jeg håber det arbejde jeg har lagt i denne oversættelse kommer til udtrykt.
For selvom den er relativt simpel så foregår der alligevel en masse bag kulissen for at få det hele til at funkle  og fungerer ordenligt.
Hvad end I har spillet Darkwing Duck før eller I bare gerne vil prøve den med en Dansk twist så håber jeg i vil finde lidt sjov med denne oversættelse.

Filename: Darkwing Duck (USA).nes
CRC-32: c7e6cc19
SHA-1: 565ded435cf7e771abf1ef8fe9b74bcfdb02d05a
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