Content Takedown Request

At, we deeply respect the creative work of individuals and their rights over their creations. We understand that sometimes content may be shared on our platform that you, as the creator, would prefer to have removed. To make this process as smooth and friendly as possible, we offer an easy way to submit a takedown request.

How to Submit a Takedown Request

If you find that your content has been shared on and you would like it to be removed, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit Our Contact Page: Go to our contact page.
  2. Complete the Form: Fill out the necessary details in the form. In the subject dropdown menu, please select “Takedown” to ensure your request is processed correctly.
  3. Use a Verifiable Email: Provide an email address where we can reach you. If we can’t communicate with you and can’t confirm who you are we will not go through with the removal.
  4. Details of the Content: Include a link where the content appears here on And any information to help us determine you created the hack.

Verification Process

To prevent malicious or unjustified takedown requests, we will conduct a verification process to confirm that you are indeed the creator or rightful owner of the content in question. This may include:

  • Asking for additional proof of ownership or creation.
  • Verifying the details provided in the request against the content.
  • Contacting the author via social media profiles and asking him directly.

Our Commitment

We aim to process takedown requests promptly and efficiently, respecting both the rights of content creators and the integrity of our platform. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this process.

Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding the takedown process, please feel free to reach out to us through the same contact form or via Discord.

We are here to help!