Hack Name:  The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening Redux
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.3.6
Last updated:  October 4, 2023
Downloads:  78

Link’s Awakening Redux is a hack that commemorates the release of the Link’s Awakening Remake, combining three of the most essential improvement hacks out there, and also implementing full uncensorship for Link’s Awakening DX to make the experience of the game much more enjoyable and without the annoyances of the original.

So what does this hack do specifically?

  • Sprite and text uncensoring by ShadowOne333:
    • Sprites that were censored from the Japanese release have been restored
    • Text previously censored and related to the censored sprites has been restored as well
    • Optional: Restore the low health beeping sound. This patch has two variants, one for Normal Redux, and one for when Font Improvement is used. Please, give the ReadMe a good in-depth read to apply each one properly
  • Link’s Awakening DX VWF by toruzz:
    • Introduces a Variable Width Font (VWF) that makes the text much more readable
    • All the text is adapted to fit the space freed by the new font
    • Removes the spaces at the end of the player’s name (if any) and fixes a couple of typos from the original game
  • Photo Album Translation by vince94:
    • Translation of the previously-untranslated Japanese present in the Photo Album
    • Optional: Remove the Photo Album overlays, to have a clean image of each photograph
  • Quality of Life Improvements by IcePenguin:
    • No more text when you touch certain objects. Rocks, cracked rocks, pots, ice blocks, etc.
    • Guardian Acorns and Pieces of Power are quick pickups. No more long text interrupting game play
    • No more low health beeping
    • Optional: Remove the THIEF photo punishment, meaning that you won’t get your character named THIEF for obtaining the thief photo. The Death counter won’t go up when the shopkeeper kills you for that pic as well
  • Font Improvement (Optional): by Tzepish:
    • Removes VWF hack
    • Makes the font in Zelda – Link’s Awakening DX much more readable
    • Replaced the always-italics font from the original game with one that closely resembles the font used in the Zelda Oracles series

NOTE: Do NOT combine the main Redux patch with the Font Improvement patch! Only use one OR the other, not both! Once you select one, choose your optional patches accordingly. If you used/patched the main Redux IPS, ignore the entirety of the Font Improvement folder and the optional patches that say “(Font Improvement ONLY)”. If you do choose Font Improvement, then only use the patches included inside the same Font Improvement folder!

File Name: Legend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening DX (U) (V1.2) [C][!]
No-Intro Name: Legend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening DX (USA, Europe) (Rev B) (SGB Enhanced) (No-Intro version 20130730-054825)
CRC32: 06887A34
MD5: 7351DAA3C0A91D8F6FE2FBCCA6182478
SHA-1: 1C091225688D966928CC74336DBEF2E07D12A47C
toruzz: Link's Awakening DX VWF
the_icepenguin: Link's Awakening DX QoL Improvementss
vince94: Link's Awakening DX Photo Album Translation
Tzepish: Font Improvement optional patch
ShadowOne333: Sprite and text uncensoring
Jayro: Script and header fixes
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Help about patching:

Most of the files you're about to download need to be applied to your game. Here is a list of utilities that allow you to do this:

On most files, you can also press “Patch It”, to apply the patch without downloading the file.

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