Hack Name:  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Re-Revenge + Voice Fix
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.01
Last updated:  January 10, 2023
Type of Hack:  Gameplay, Graphics, SFX, Text
Downloads:  358

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Re-Revenge: Gameplay Trailer

I. Overview:

Welcome to the universe of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Re-revenge of the Shredder! The city was attacked by a foot ninja army led by Shredder and Krang. Our brave heroes have come together to challenge them and clear the city of evil mutants and foot ninja. But will it be that easy?

II. Features:

  • Replaced all characters, all enemies and all bosses.
  • Added shadow for all characters, all enemies and all bosses.
  • Some enemies have new attacks, that will surprise experienced players.
  • Characters replaced by Raph, Leo, Donnie, Mikey, April O’Neil, Splinter and Casey Jones.
  • All seven playable characters can jump further while running
  • All of the characters attacks are similar to those from TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge.
  • The game has juggling for both players and enemies.
  • Players can recover from a hit by pressing the jump button upon landing (as in SOR4)
  • The command to run (f, f) becomes more sensitive.
  • All playable characters can jump further while running.
  • You can use the Offensive Special while running
  • Added 6-Button gamepad Support. Uppercut now is Y-button.
  • Friendly fire is disabled.
  • Added new sounds for players and enemies.
  • A new plot has been written for the game.
  • Changed the title screen
  • Changed all Story Screen in the game
  • For the first time in sor2 hacking, switching between normal and turbo mode has been added to the option
  • Added turbo mode

III. More about turbo mode.

This option is responsible for the delay between strikes when attacking enemies.

  • Off – For SOR2 fans
  • On – For all those who like more dynamic games


Fixed a bug causing a freeze when receiving an Electrolyte attack from the Whip Foot Ninja on some emulators and consoles on hardest and mania difficulties.

V. Link

VI. Other:

  • Thanks to gsaurus, for helping and working with AI enemies.
  • Thanks to eskayelle, the person who wrote a new story.
  • Gigantic Special Thanks, to a person without whom nothing would be – PPI_Akiko. It was he who added Juggling, New Running, new hitting physics and was invaluable in helping this project work

    Voice Fix sub-patch by Yoni Arousement. Uploaded here with consent from Savok through Twitter DM’s.

    Edits I made to this ROM Hack:

    Redid the character voice rips from Shredder’s Revenge.

    Gave Mikey, Splinter, Leo, Don and Casey unique throw voice clips.

    April’s throw voice clip is no longer a duplicate(?) of her jump kick voice clip.

    When Shredder is ready to battle, he says “Tonight, I dine on Turtle Soup”.

    Shredder uses a shortened version of one of his hurt voice clips as an attack voice clip (since he didn’t have any attack grunts in SR).

    Don’s Defense Special plays Max’s Defense Special Sound.

    Don’s Offense Special plays its own voice clip.

    Boss characters play their respective voice clips from Shredder’s Revenge.

    The Score Tally plays a voice clip that consists of a score tally sound, followed by the turtles saying “COWABUNGA”.

    Edited Mikey, Blaze, Leo, and Don’s Front Grab Bindings so that their sprites are slightly closer to their targets.

    Edited Casey’s Front Grab Binding when he’s facing right so it matches his Front Grab Binding when he’s facing left.

    Buffed Shredder’s Slam Damage to be on par with Axel’s.

    Disabled the music restarting in later parts of Stage 3, 4, 5 and 8.

    Foot Soliders play their walking animation at the arcade like Signals.

    In a distance where Roadkill Rodney would just stand there, it would now make small steps.

    Shredder jumps higher, farther, and falls faster from a jump.

    Sacrificed ninjas’ evasive move voice clip. Made Leo’s death cry separate from Mikey’s.

    Made Casey’s death cry separate from Splinter’s.

Filename: Streets of Rage 2 (U) [!].smd
CRC-32: e01fa526
SHA-1: 8b656eec9692d88bbbb84787142aa732b44ce0be
Yoni Arousement - Voice Fix sub-patch
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3 months ago

is not working aölso here .

3 months ago

Patch is not working for me, using Floating IPS on the correct CRC ROM as listed here and it just boots to a red screen, and if I fix the checksum it just corrupts and freezes during the intro.

4 months ago

Un gracias y a probar

Simone D. Alemanno
4 months ago
Reply to  Pegasus

English only, please.

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