Hack Name:  Tales of Phantasia Undub
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.2
Last updated:  October 28, 2024
Type of Hack:  Music, SFX, Undub
Downloads:  167

Voiced lines in this game are basically completely unsubtitled, so this undub is mostly for intermediate level weebs. The opening song has been trimmed at the beginning to better sync with the NA/EU opening’s timings/visuals; whilst the JP ending song is shorter than the one used in the localised versions of the game, so there’ll be a bit of silence at the end of the credits roll.

The European undub has no data shifted or appended, making it compatible with other hacks (European Font Enhancement is highly recommended). The North American undub appends 354 kB of data to the end of the ROM, which might make it incompatible with some hacks.

To-do for v1.2a:
– Seamlessly extend the end credits song by 25-30 seconds
– Correct the infamous “Kangaroo/Ragnarok” translation goof

Version history:
2024-10-20, v1.0: Initial release
2024-10-22, v1.1: Off-sync opening music “fixed”
2024-10-28, v1.2: JP credits roll music restored, 3 cutting out voice clips fixed

Filename: Tales of Phantasia (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).gba
CRC-32: fa172a4a
SHA-1: 2cc3c21c99c48dc445f499e6cc8aa9b90b2c795b

Filename: Tales of Phantasia (USA, Australia).gba
CRC-32: 1a0fca8
SHA-1: 262e9393119cb1991a27a3ddd5a070ae3c60cee9
Huge thanks to Thysbelon for gba-song-assembler and their forks of GBA Mus Ripper & midi2agb. Those were used to restore the Japanese opening and ending music, as well as fix the cutting out voice clips.
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