Hack Name:  Super Thracia 776
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  110222
Last updated:  February 22, 2011
Type of Hack:  Gameplay, Graphics, Text
Downloads:  25

Super Thracia 776 is like normal Thracia 776, but harder. Much harder. Ridiculously hard. The original author takes no responsibility for any physical or mental damage this patch might cause to prospective Super Thracia players. Be warned, the game was not playtested! Don’t leave your savestates at home, you’ll be needing them.

Under the hood, there is a good amount of gameplay modifications, such as skill formulas being edited. There’s some new art assets for characters as well, and some characters from beyond the Thracian Peninsula make cameos throughout Leif’s adventure. His adventure is different in some capacity, but the hack is entirely in Japanese.

Included with the patch are growth rates and item stats for everything in the game in the form of HTML files. Translated versions of these are available here.

If you’re in the mood for Kaizo Fire Emblem, then you’re in the right place. Good luck…

MD5: C3FD1CAD754256D7A013864D917F47FA
SHA-1: 75B504921D08E313FF58150E40121AC701884517
CRC32: FC519952
LIN*LIN/XxX/gw of Binary Team
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