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Hack Name:  Super Mario Bros. DX
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  4.5 Anniversary Edition
Last updated:  December 28, 2023
Type of Hack:  Graphics
Downloads:  137

The ubiquitous graphics hack from 1997 is still alive!

The aim of the project is to modernize the look of classic Super Mario Bros while remaining within the limits of the original programming and ROM size. There are no ASM hacks and no expanding the ROM–and no mapper! Just brand new pixel art (and a few things borrowed from later Mario games), palette edits, and metatile rearrangement. You can enjoy the original game with a fresh coat of paint, or try combining it with map or gameplay hacks that don’t change the graphics too much!

Super Mario Bros. DX was first released on IRC in 1997, and then published to the web on Zophar’s Domain in 1999. From 2022 into early 2024, it will be receiving a shower of updates and extras to celebrate 25 years since these two firsts! The project has also seen continual updates at a more relaxed pace for all these years in between, so if you think you know it from way back when, it’s time for another look!

Current extras include:

  • An archive of all previous versions (with minor fixes) from 1997 to today.
  • An extensive library of add-on patches to create your own personalized version.
  • A patch for the 50Hz PAL version of the game.
  • An alternate “Aesthetic Edition” of the patch, with vaporwave vibes and a new soundtrack by NES virtuoso Amilgi (Sonic the Hedgehog vol. 2, Street Fighter II Deluxe)
Filename: Super Mario Bros. (World).nes
CRC-32: 393a432f
SHA-1: 33d23c2f2cfa4c9efec87f7bc1321ce3ce6c89bd
Hacking & Graphics (all versions): flamepanther (formerly _Blues_)
Music (Aesthetic Edition): Amilgi
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Help about patching:

Most of the files you're about to download need to be applied to your game. Here is a list of utilities that allow you to do this:

On most files, you can also press “Patch It”, to apply the patch without downloading the file.

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