Hack Name:  Super Mario Bros 2 (Disk Revision 3)
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  28
Last updated:  May 15, 2024
Downloads:  38

This is a bugfix version of SMB2J that corrects pretty much every known glitch. There is no such thing as a perfect game but this comes close. There is currently 1 known revision of SMB2J released by Nintendo that corrects loading code. This version is based off and builds on that one. See readme for full list of fixes. There shouldn’t be any issues with this game but please reach out on the forums if something arises. -ShaneM

Included are two patches. The headered patch includes the dummy bytes used on an actual disk (65,536 bytes).

Recommended FDS BIOS file: “[BIOS] Family Computer Disk System (Japan) (Rev 1).bin”

A palette file to enhance GFX similar (but not identical) to VC has also been included to bring out the FDS’ potential.

Updated to Build#

  • Corrected 8-1 underwater castle tiles oversight by Nintendo

Updated to Build#27.4.7:

  • Optimized block/brick code for a faster program
  • Corrected pixel on big Mario/Luigi’s shoe sticking outside pipe when entering sideways pipe
  • Corrected big Mario/Luigi to continue crouching when falling if already crouching (like SMB Deluxe)

Updated to Build#

  • Optimized powerup initialization code & platform side collision check code
  • Corrected Lakitu respawn boundbox
  • Gave Luigi proper white fiery palette (SMB Deluxe)

Updated to Build#

  • Optimized more code for faster program
  • Corrected a crouching error while on spring and vine to better match SMB Deluxe
  • Podoboo no longer has collision with shells (A-4)
  • Hitting Hammer Bros. with shells now award 1000 points (SMAS)
  • Climbing up vine no longer plays SFX while at the highest point

Updated to Build#

  • Optimized more code
  • Polished scenery on C-1 with night star colliding with powerup
  • Polished play climb up vine SFX more satisfactorily
  • Player no longer dances on top of vine
  • Improved player going through blocks on down platforms underwater (6-2 & B-2)
  • Fixed Nintendo original glitch with cannons triggering whirlpools on solid ground underwater (9-1). They shared certain flags with whirlpools and were never designed to be underwater. Oversight on Nintendo’s part.

Updated to Build#28:

*True Final build*

  • Optimized more code for a faster program (most noticeable optimization)
  • Corrected an issue with wrong tiles loading at end of B-4 for lava
  • Corrected an error with the springboard sometimes causing an enemy to disappear on D-2 or the spring sprite would glitch out. The spring will now always load as well as the other sprites (ASM “magic” had to be done by ShaneM because of the six enemy sprite limitation).
  • Tweaked value in out-of-bounds Red Koopa Troopa glitch fix
  • Fixed Nintendo original glitch with Spiny where hitting it from beneath a block would make it go faster on hard mode (C-3)
  • Corrected an oversight by Nintendo in which enemies would disappear if Bowser’s clone is defeated (by fireballs) on 8-4 (D-4). This behavior is only supposed to happen when the final Boswer is defeated by fireballs on those levels.
  • Added SFX for player when coming out of warp pipe
  • Improved collision with vertical platforms underwater
  • Adjusted seaweed overlapping platform on 6-2
  • Made 1-2 to match SMAS version with solely lava
  • Corrected stunned Koopa and Buzzy Beetle shell placements to match Mario Maker 2
  • Hammers now only bounce off player with star invincibility (like Mario Maker 2)
  • Filled in castle stage tiles to not show black (colorless) to prevent inconsistencies like sky showing through blocks 9-3, the blue in victory mode 8-4 (D-4), and player showing through warp pipes on D-4
  • Made green enemies underground, underwater and in castle stages have a different green hue from green land enemies (like SMAS)
  • Corrected floatey numbers moving too fast rightward when hitting a coin block and falling down to death (caused by TimerControl being set following SMAS)
  • Fixed Nintendo original glitch with fireballs exploding where Bowser was after immediately defeating him as if still in play. This was caused by Bowser enemy object using 2 IDs but only 1 was being cleared
  • Improved code fix for player no longer dancing on top of vine
  • Fixed an oversight with jumpspring SFX still playing during death if on spring
  • Made leaves orange/red like SMAS on windy levels
  • Corrected inconsistency on 2-2 with a scenery night star not showing up after exiting bonus
Filename: Super Mario Bros. 2 (Japan) (En) (DV 2) (AllMyRoms.net).zip
CRC-32: 117a3b62
SHA-1: 1e05e018f70b1eb571b61077f09e7300f69c8cc5
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