Hack Name:  Super Kart Fighter
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  0.9.9
Last updated:  November 28, 2022
Type of Hack:  Bug Fix, Gameplay, Graphics, Optimization
Downloads:  104

An update to one of the most infamous NES bootlegs. It would be a massive understatement to simply call it a rebalance: large chunks of the engine were overhauled to fix many, many issues. Any quirks retained had a few tweaks to work better in the new environment. Those who played have said that the difference between this and the original is night and day.
This project started by addressing some of the issues Doomkid mentioned in their improvement hack. It then went from just a few tweaks to make the game play better, to spicing the game up with mechanical improvements and some new content. It is best played with others, although playing for score is fun too.


  • Dynamic, faster-paced gameplay that flows better while retaining a great deal of the original engine’s quirks. Many changes were put in to address asymmetry, add diversity, and improve the responsiveness.
  • All characters tweaked to stand out better from each other and largely improved from the original. Yes, Luigi’s specials are restored with different properties from Mario’s.
  • Daisy added as a playable character. She has a unique special along with tweaks to her other specials to separate her from Peach.
  • Self-balancing mechanics created to help reduce touch of deaths and stop infinites in the new environment. This includes mashing buttons to end dizzy early.
  • An expanded, semi-randomized arcade mode with a proper (unplayable) final boss. The AI is improved by utilizing tech you can do too.
  • QoL features including alternate costumes, stage selection, stage variants, better-aligned animations, and an improved scoring system that rewards skill.

0.9.9 is the defacto final version, but not the full vision of this hack. The core gameplay is mostly realized. There were some additional ideas that didn’t get finished such as adding a remixed soundtrack someone made and an expanded options menu that would include a turbo setting among other common features in fighting games.

Filename: Kart Fighter (Unl).nes
CRC-32: 4877213a
SHA-1: ebf39b0e6ec4b8d5fc0c7715bb88c9e733018d89
Streetwize- Project Lead, Main Hacker, (re)Designer
Kosheh- Extra Palettes, Title Screen
RocketToRussia- Fightcade Partner, Tester
Enigami- Additional Hacking
Doomkid- Original Inspiration, Quaternary Colors
Tobemorecrazy, Dille, KingPepe, Butarou, Incognitio- Special Thanks
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