Hack Name:  Streets of Rage 2-Cadillacs & Dinosaurs
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.0
Last updated:  October 13, 2024
Type of Hack:  Gameplay, Graphics, Music, Other
Downloads:  152

This innovative modification of Streets of Rage 2 introduces the beloved characters from the iconic arcade game Cadillacs and Dinosaurs into the fray, replacing the original heroes Axel, Blaze, Skate, and Max with the intrepid explorers Jack, Hannah, Mustapha, and Mess.

In this masterful modification, fans are treated to dynamics inspired by the game Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. This enhancement of the combat system enriches the gameplay, offering a deeper and more engaging experience.


=== Movelist ===

All characters:

Forward + Special = Flying Kick

Jack Tenrec:

Forward + Forward + Punch = Sliding Kick

Forward + Forward + Special = Slide kick followed by a backflip kick

Punch + Jump = Backflip kick

Special = Dino Uppercut

Hannah Dundee:

Forward + Forward + Punch = Rolling attack followed by an elbow strike

Forward + Forward + Special = Flying Knee Attack

Punch + Jump = Spiral Smash

Special = Spiral Smash

Mustapha Cairo:

Forward + Forward + Punch = Dropkick

Punch + Jump = Backflip kick

Special = Get Off Me

Mess O'Bradovich:

Forward + Forward + Punch = Body Splash

Punch + Jump = Backflip kick

Special = Hay Breaker
Filename: streets of rage 2 (usa).bin
CRC-32: e01fa526
SHA-1: 8b656eec9692d88bbbb84787142aa732b44ce0be
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