Hack Name:  Story of Llylgamyn Rebalanced
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  Rev. 6
Last updated:  May 18, 2012
Type of Hack:  Gameplay, Text
Downloads:  31

This mod aims to enhance the gameplay of all three games in Wizardry’s first trilogy. They were already hard enough, and required quite a bit of dedication to get anywhere. On top of that, they seemed to have a couple of rules that seemed arbitrarily handicapping to the player. In creating this mod I hope I have smoothed out some of the rough edges of this game, in order to make it more accessible.

This new version makes level ups more interesting by making attributes gained more random (while removing the possibility of attributes going down). It also lessens the crippling effects of changing classes by applying a penalty of -3 to all attributes (instead of reducing all attributes to racial minimums).

The Rebalancing mod is not an Easy-Type mod. That said, care has been taken to ease the player into the difficulty a bit, especially in the case of Wizardry 1: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (Overload? Ha!) Several rather arbitrary rules that end up making life difficult for players have been removed… for example, party members 4-6 can now attack like the first three characters in the lineup and certain upper-level spells do not drain experience levels in order to cast them anymore. However, many weapons that used to grant extra attacks to players do not grant this boon anymore; it is relatively rare to have a character’s number of strikes augmented this way. In this manner, a character doesn’t become a demi-god simply because they found an Infinity -1 weapon… they still have to be worthy to be able to fight with it.

Major props to Gideon Zhi of Aeon Genesis Translations. It was his pioneering hacking efforts in translating this previously Japanese-only ROM that made this project worthwhile for me to undertake.

To peruse a more exhaustive changelog, go to http://jeffludwig.com/wizardry1-2-3/download.php. There’s also information on the characters, items, magic, and monsters.

Not compatible with Hengki Kusuma Adi’s updated translation.

CRC32: B8A72553
MD5: 5987975FB59733089149003C506810AF
SHA-1: 6B63C968AEC822C0728513C01CD729FFD45DBAB7
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5 months ago

this patch seems to be broken because i patched the rom and got nothing but red lines

Simone D. Alemanno
5 months ago
Reply to  SUGOMA64

If you’re using it with the English translation, then it’s obvious that it doesn’t work. The description clearly states that it’s not compatible with the English patch.

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