This Sonic 2 hack is very old from the days before split disassembly ASM modding and other utilities.
It is just a recolour hack with some new art (most notably zone 1).
I get the impression that this hack was released in a very unfinished state as it looks like there were more changes in the art and colours to come that didn’t get accomplished and the author decided to abandon the hack and just release what was implemented.
- Sunrise Hill Zone: The only zone fully finished. This zone has a major overhaul in the graphics and colours making it the stand out feature of this hack. This one definitely has the most work done to it.
- Atarduat Zone: This is just Chemical Plant Zone with a different name on the title card that wasn’t implemented on the cheat screen. No colour or retiles to see here.
- Fall Temple Zone: This one is Aquatic Ruin with a different name also but the colours have been changed to give it a nice new look, it also has a slightly different level layout at the beginning.
- Neon Aegas Zone: Is just Casino Night Zone with only a different zone name (lazy).
- Hill Top Zone: Is Hill Top Zone, no changes at all here.
- Sandstone Zone: Is Mystic Cave Zone with a rusted autumn look.
- Oal Ocean Zone: Is Oil Ocean Zone with different colours. The colours here are very nice and gives you the feeling of running through this place in the afternoon rather than sunset.
- Metal Tower Zone: Is Metropolis Zone with some new art and different colours.
- Sunrise Zone: Sky Chase Zone at Sunrise (nice).
- Platinum Zone: Is Wing Fortress with a different name.
- Galaxy Zone: Death Egg Zone with a different name.
All new zone names have not been implemented on the cheat screen and still read their original zone names. You only see the new zone names on the title cards.
The zones that DO have new colours and in some instances new art, do look fantastic!
The release date is incorrect as I can’t find the original release date, only the year is correct.
This hack is fully playable to the end of the game and does not crash or give you any weird soft locks. I’ve played it on real hardware from start to finish.
Recolour hacks of Sonic games are very uncool in today’s age of hacking and is generally considered (lazy) with not much effort put in, but back in 2003 stuff like this was very new and amazing to look at, try and keep that in mind.
CRC-32: 7b905383
SHA-1: 8bca5dcef1af3e00098666fd892dc1c2a76333f9
Adrian Gauna: As usual fixed checksum.
Most of the files you're about to download need to be applied to your game. Here is a list of utilities that allow you to do this:
- Online Patcher: Marc Roblero's online patcher. Works with many different file types.
- Floating IPS: NWell-known patcher for applying IPS and BPS files.
- Delta Patcher: Used to apply xDelta files.
- More Patchers
On most files, you can also press “Patch It”, to apply the patch without downloading the file.