Note: This patch is for the U.S. Greatest Hits version of the game (v2.01). I don’t know if it works on any other version, but as this version is the most content and feature-complete version of the game, I’m not worried about patching the others.
This patch simply makes the game think you’ve beaten it, thus unlocking the Bullet Adjust and Noise Filter options in the Extra Options menu (accessed by pressing L1 or R1 in the options menu on the main menu).
The .IPS patches don’t seem to work if you try to patch them with certain programs (including online patchers), but I’ve always had success with the latest 64-bit build of LunarIPS (v1.03). The .xDelta patches seem more reliable all around but I wanted to include everything.
SHA-1: 2f4d89736d9240c6f8719e50a8d450a81ad638ae
Most of the files you're about to download need to be applied to your game. Here is a list of utilities that allow you to do this:
- Online Patcher: Marc Roblero's online patcher. Works with many different file types.
- Floating IPS: NWell-known patcher for applying IPS and BPS files.
- Delta Patcher: Used to apply xDelta files.
- More Patchers
On most files, you can also press “Patch It”, to apply the patch without downloading the file.
Sorry, didn’t even see that there’s a comment section. I added a note to the post. This site doesn’t seem to let you add/change files after they’re uploaded. You can add them when you edit the page, but then after you submit, the new files aren’t added. I can add new screenshots and text, but the files never update. Put a link to the patches in the description, contacted site admins, hopefully they let me know how to fix this.
I’m just glad it’s working! I know there are tons of Gameshark/Action Replay/Codebreaker/etc. etc. cheats that achieve the same thing, but I wanted something you just apply and it’s done, no matter if you go to a new system/emulator/whatever. The only thing I haven’t tried yet is beating the game and seeing if the hack works while also having a legitimate beaten game save on the memory card.
Hi, I don’t know who you’ve contacted though, I haven’t received any messages anywhere so I’m taking the liberty of replying here. 🙂
There was a permission problem with the files, I changed the permissions of all the folders and added your XDelta patch to the form, normally the problem should be solved for all the entries. 😉
I couldn’t find any way to contact anyone besides the “Contact Us” form, so that’s what I used. Sorry if I missed another way haha. But thank you! In the future, is it acceptable to link to other hosts like or should I stick to just uploading to romhackplaza itself?
I test “Contact Us” but it works, I don’t know how do you do ?
For updates, you can keep your Mega link for backup if you want, but please do update on the website too.