Hack Name:  Shade Over Kanto: Purple Version
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  Version 2.3.0
Last updated:  February 17, 2025
Type of Hack:  Bug Fix, Gameplay, Other
Downloads:  42

Embark on a epic journey across Kanto and discover the looming indomitable threat that haunts Professor Oak. Featuring 100+ new Pokemon! New Pokemon types! New moves! Pokemon abilities! An all-star cast of challenging gym leaders! And a Nuzlocke mode guaranteed to make you sweat in fear! The challenge has never greater in this overhaul of Pokemon Blue!

Rated M for mature themes and crude humor.


More details:
This is intended as a challenging ROM hack and is heavily inspired from the original Nuzlocke comic; from comedy to tragedy. Hard mode is the intended experience. There is an easy mode which removes the Nuzlocke element (among other things) and notably Pokemon have a chance of dying after fainting. Also, the game is expected to be bug free (except for gen 1 misses), let me know @xillicis on discord if you happen to find any bugs. I won’t go over every single detail about the game, but check it out if you’re interested.

SHA-1: d7037c83e1ae5b39bde3c30787637ba1d4c48ce2
Thanks to all the great people who have performed the 100% disassembly of Pokemon Red and Blue. You can find the Pokemon Red and Blue decompiled code at: https://github.com/pret/pokered

I want to thank to all the people who helped me on the pokered Discord: Vortiene, Jojobear13, 33dannye, Vimescarrot, Rangi, Mord, Hyd, and Rainbow Metal Pidgeon. I apologize if I've forgotten others. Big thanks to Vortiene again, he really knows his stuff and I borrowed some of the Pokedex modifications from his hack, PureRGB. Check it out. Also big shoutout to Jojobear13, I took some code from his hack, Shinpokered. Check that one out too. Thanks to PlagueVonKarma for the Move Deleter/Relearner tutorial (originally from Red++ I think?).

Big thanks to all the contributors to the pokered tutorials. Rangi's awesome map editor, Polished Map. Thank you to all the sprite artists that drew the new-mon in the gen 1 style: SharkGuy, Pat Ackerman, and everyone else that drew the new-mons. Sorry, I wasn't able to find the artists that drew everything. Let me know if anyone recognizes the artists and I'll credit them.

Special thanks to Vikingswim for helping play test the game and Bobbahawk for helping me with the planning and structuring of the ROM hack and also contributing some trainer dialog.
File download: 
Help about patching:

Most of the files you're about to download need to be applied to your game. Here is a list of utilities that allow you to do this:

On most files, you can also press “Patch It”, to apply the patch without downloading the file.

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1 month ago

Looks cool 👍

1 month ago


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