Hack Name:  Pitch Correction
Hack of: 
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.0
Last updated:  September 13, 2021
Type of Hack:  Bug Fix, Music
Downloads:  7

This patch aims to address some of the pitching issues in Final Fantasy. Some of the notes in the game, particularly the high notes, were irritatingly off-key. Additionally, it seems some sort of rounding algorithm may have been applied to the pitch data table, causing a slight pitch offset over a wide range of values.

This patch alters values in the pitch table so that they more accurately follow the “12th root of 2” note progression standard in music theory. This makes each note, especially notes spread across multiple octaves, harmonize better. In addition, some of the notes that were notoriously far off-key have been shifted closer to their proper key. Byte limitations prevent a more exact key match, but it’s not nearly as bad.

You may use this patch in your hack with proper credit given.

Filename: Final Fantasy (U) [!].nes
CRC-32: ab12ece6
SHA-1: 80ce108fbc066c985d4fb541bd68e9a7c8994feb
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