The original NBA Jam! Now with Fastrom!
This patch works for ALL revisions, (U), (U Rev 1), (J), (E), and (E Rev 1).
Filename: NBA Jam (USA).sfc
CRC-32: 43f1c013
SHA-1: 1405efa8183ff65b645f8453dcb40b6cad5ddc07
Filename: NBA Jam (USA) (Rev 1).sfc
CRC-32: 8f42cae7
SHA-1: 62acc93fa1e3009b3a2e92d11aaf612848c1e7ff
Filename: NBA Jam (Europe).sfc
CRC-32: 2b8e81c6
SHA-1: b4eadb624ea501f472e963dbd486de29ca6b9245
Filename: NBA Jam (Europe) (Rev 1).sfc
CRC-32: fa9a577a
SHA-1: ccfd2a5c4195a4080f60fcfa4fc8a1f28511c902
Filename: NBA Jam (Japan) (En).sfc
CRC-32: 118b162e
SHA-1: 8c5be1e760a6eb91e29312ad71d25d4bb093cff5
CRC-32: 43f1c013
SHA-1: 1405efa8183ff65b645f8453dcb40b6cad5ddc07
Filename: NBA Jam (USA) (Rev 1).sfc
CRC-32: 8f42cae7
SHA-1: 62acc93fa1e3009b3a2e92d11aaf612848c1e7ff
Filename: NBA Jam (Europe).sfc
CRC-32: 2b8e81c6
SHA-1: b4eadb624ea501f472e963dbd486de29ca6b9245
Filename: NBA Jam (Europe) (Rev 1).sfc
CRC-32: fa9a577a
SHA-1: ccfd2a5c4195a4080f60fcfa4fc8a1f28511c902
Filename: NBA Jam (Japan) (En).sfc
CRC-32: 118b162e
SHA-1: 8c5be1e760a6eb91e29312ad71d25d4bb093cff5
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Help about patching:
Most of the files you're about to download need to be applied to your game. Here is a list of utilities that allow you to do this:
- Online Patcher: Marc Roblero's online patcher. Works with many different file types.
- Floating IPS: NWell-known patcher for applying IPS and BPS files.
- Delta Patcher: Used to apply xDelta files.
- More Patchers
On most files, you can also press “Patch It”, to apply the patch without downloading the file.