Hack Name:  Maternalbound Redux
Hack of: 
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.1
Last updated:  November 23, 2022
Downloads:  69

MaternalBound Redux is a full revamp hack of the original EarthBound with tons of Quality of Life improvements. This project is also a fully fledged continuation hack from the original MaternalBound project.

  • What does this mean?

That everything you found in the original MaternalBound can also be found here, but with a much more polished detail and also with a ton of Quality of Life improvements made to it. The whole source code for the project is available as well! Be sure to check out the GitHub page for the project, alongside its release page for the patches, and more detailed info about the hack:

So… What changes can you expect out of MaternalBound Redux in addition to the ones found in the original MaternalBound?

The changelog for this project is REALLY extensive, so it is suggested to go over the GitHub page for the project to read the main list of changes, since there are a ton of them, even under the hood.

  • Instructions

Grab the .zip file and use either the BPS (recommended) or IPS patches into a clean EarthBound ROM by using Lunar IPS, FLIPS or Romhacking’s Online Patcher. Additionally, the hack can be patched by using DeltaPatcher for the .xdelta patch. EBP patch has been removed in favour of the BPS patch, which should be the one used to avoid glitched/undesired behaviour due to wrong base ROMs.

If you want to use the hack with MSU-1, grab the PCM pack released alongside this hack from the Zeldix page at the beginning of this page, or from the following link: https://archive.org/details/earthbound-msu-1-pack (with a mirror link from Zeldix.net here: https://app.box.com/s/fkmjx61w4m7xom1kmir5zk7xv6jx9u8f )

Simply rename your ROM to “eb_msu1.smc” and place it in the same folder as all the .pcm/.msu files. You need to use Snes9x v1.54 or above in order for the MSU-1 hack to work.

Database match: EarthBound (USA)
Database: No-Intro: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20180813-062835)
File SHA-1: E44B6A73359694C25DD4ECC768128D40EC9B6DD1
File CRC32: AF607132
ROM SHA-1: D67A8EF36EF616BC39306AA1B486E1BD3047815A
ShadowOne333: Main Hacker
D-Man: ASM work
tragicmanner: Help with script rewrite
PhoenixBound: Beta testing, feedback, ASM and graphics
DarkSamus993: Kirby sprite assembly and palette issue in the Debug menus fixes
Herringway: EB's New Controls Hack
Howisthisaname: EarthBound Enhanced Hack
Conn: EarthBound MSU-1 Hack
jamsilva: New overworld sprites
Crav: Mother: Cognitive Dissonance project (Graphics)
Karmageddon: Beta testing
File download: 
Help about patching:

Most of the files you're about to download need to be applied to your game. Here is a list of utilities that allow you to do this:

On most files, you can also press “Patch It”, to apply the patch without downloading the file.

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