Apply to a ROM that has already been patched with Frue Lufia v7.0 or above, or Spekkio Lufia v7.0 or above. (Not compatible with Kureji Lufia!)
Small addendum of Frue/Spekkio Lufia to make the fonts and several of item/ability names consistent with Lufia & the Fortress of Doom Restored and Lufia: The Legend Returns Complete. Includes scattered dialogue updates.
v7.0-T Hotfix 3+
- The Unlock Retry + Gift Modes patch now targets No Header ROM. There have been no changes to the main patch.
- Trilogizer’s changes properly ported to Frue v7.0 for total compatibility.
- Several typos in the Results screen corrected.
- Patch now targets No-Header ROM.
- Corrected error in Dragon Mountain location label.
- Narvick residents now call “Sky Island” by its proper name of “Doom Island.”
- Shrine of Daos fully changed to Doom Fortress. (Space issues prevent full “Fortress of Doom.”)
- Handful of item names changed to match my other Lufia projects.
See the readme for more info.
Patch Applied: Frue Lufia v7.0
Header: NO
File/ROM SHA1 – 874C8C6702E5AC5B9EFEDC445ECA91873FDFC06B
File/ROM MD5 – 9877B2B1B6B0F32DB434947D0B910523
File/ROM CRC32 – C114C2EA
Database match: Lufia II – Rise of the Sinistrals (U) [!].smc
Patch Applied: Spekkio Lufia v7.0
Header: NO
File/ROM SHA1 – BA9B089550E5105D2F12A4B793936D97B1A0ACA2
File/ROM MD5 – 09FED31C26E137253D3387FE86CBCE21
File/ROM CRC32 – B3C44BCF
Artemis for the Original Frue Lufia patch used as base.
Relnqshd and rainponcho for Various bug fixes from Frue Lufia.
Dank_Meats for Inserting Erim sprite into Frue Lufia.
Eve___ for Creating Erim sprite for Frue Lufia.
Most of the files you're about to download need to be applied to your game. Here is a list of utilities that allow you to do this:
- Online Patcher: Marc Roblero's online patcher. Works with many different file types.
- Floating IPS: NWell-known patcher for applying IPS and BPS files.
- Delta Patcher: Used to apply xDelta files.
- More Patchers
On most files, you can also press “Patch It”, to apply the patch without downloading the file.