Hack Name:  Joe and Mac - Sandbox
Hack of: 
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  0.3
Last updated:  December 15, 2024
Type of Hack:  Cheats, Gameplay, Unlocker
Downloads:  44
Start screen:
– On the cheat option you can press left or right to unlock a cheat. (Only one since the other one can be toggled in game)
– Press start on the cheat menu to enter the sound test. (The screen is buggy but you can play all music and SFX)
While pause:
– Hold L and press R to unlock all weapons. (select by pressing select when unpaused)
– Hold L and press X to toggle cheat 1. It will make the player invincible.
Cheats works as described on CTRF (The cutting room floor):
Randomizer is sadly still a bit buggy. But thanks to the cheats you can skip broken bosses with start+select.
More cheats avalible at:
Game genie code to just explore the map: 8E33-D408
Note: Thanks to X for the insperation to tackle this game a bit. Also many thanks for people who provide resources or a awsome randomizer.
Filename: Joe and Mac - Caveman Ninja (U).smc
CRC-32: 3a2b6167
SHA-1: be48f2193ad088b6ea395caeb2d03fa190480418
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