When setting up to start a random graphics hack of Excitebike, I noticed an unused green racer palette in the ppu viewer. Through a decent bit of experimentation and help from a good friend, this green racer now joins the race!
All 4 racers now have thier own colors!
oRBIT’s savegame patch, so you can save and load user-made tracks!
Patch to Excitebike (Japan, USA).nes rom
Filename: Excitebike (Japan, USA).nes
CRC-32: 2bb33c69
SHA-1: 2e9897846e54a4a9865e87de7517c6710bdec255
CRC-32: 2bb33c69
SHA-1: 2e9897846e54a4a9865e87de7517c6710bdec255
oRBIT, for creating the savegame patch
Dr. Floppy, for helping track down the racer palettes
Dr. Floppy, for helping track down the racer palettes
File download: