Hack Name:  Gravity Change
Released by: 
Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.0
Last updated:  December 2, 2023
Type of Hack:  Gameplay
Downloads:  38

Never liked how Samus feels very heavy in this game, it feels off compared to all the other games in the series, especially Super Metroid where Samus. This patch aims to make Samus less heavy by adjusting gravity to be less severe making her fall slightly slower. Jumping height with and without high jump boots as well as underwater has been adjusted to match the vanilla jump as closely as possible and bomb timer has been adjusted to accommodate for the slower fall speed. The result is that Samus retains her speed in all directions but down, resulting in maneuverable movement without feeling gravity weighing Samus down.

Metroid Advance Game Editor (MAGE) v1.3 was used to create this hack.

Database match: Metroid - Zero Mission (USA)
Database: No-Intro: Game Boy Advance (v. 20210227-023848)
File/ROM SHA-1: 5DE8536AFE1F0078EE6FE1089F890E8C7AA0A6E8
File/ROM CRC32: 5C61A844
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Bahamut ZERO
7 months ago

Really digging this so far, feels like a nice in-between of Super Metroid’s physics and the gba titles. Thank you for uploading this!

Simone D. Alemanno
7 months ago

Terrible hack. It actually makes Samus more difficult to control and makes it harder to dodge enemies. Not recommended.

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It’s fine

Written by: mrrgrrgrr - August 13, 2024

As someone who plays through this game regularly, I did feel the difference. It didn’t take me long to get used to things though. I was jumping from platform to platform and dodging enemies with little to no issue. In terms of Samus’ general movement and overall game feel, this hack works fine.

The only part I couldn’t figure out was infinite bomb jumping. This is a technique that I have no issues with in the vanilla version of the game (and I don’t have issues bomb jumping in Super Metroid either), yet I couldn’t get it to work here no matter what I tried. I’m not sure if it’s a skill issue on my end, or if infinite bomb jumps are just not possible now. This is kind of a bummer for me, since I really like sequence breaking this game and infinite bomb jumping is a big part of that. A lack of bomb jumping isn't the end of the world or anything though. The game is still perfectly completable without it, and there are still certain sequence breaks you can do to break the game in half if you still want to.

Overall, this is a good hack for people who either didn't like the way Samus feels in the vanilla game, or for people like me who have played this game dozens of times and are looking for a different feeling experience.

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