Hack Name:  Final Fantasy V—Re:Jobbed
Hack of: 
Released by: 
Status:  In-Progress
Patch Version:  0.87
Last updated:  December 29, 2024
Type of Hack:  Gameplay, Graphics, Levels
Downloads:  99

Community Links

  • FFV Central website
  • Final Fantasy V Central Discord—home of the latest and greatest V hacks of 2024: Pixel Freemaster, Clean Edition, DressCode, Whirlwind, and more
  • r/FinalFantasyMods subreddit

Re:Jobbed Beta

An all-new lineup of jobs for an all-new experience.  Get the beta now!  Released with author permission.

Latest stable release is v0.87, which fixes overflowing weapon icons.

Dev builds available via Discord.  Latest dev build is v0.97, which opens up World 1 (see screenshots).

Patching Instructions

Apply over an FFV (J) rom with checksum as indicated below.

Latest News

ReJobbed is being evaluated for inclusion in the new Project Omega collab for FFV.  Shoutouts to the team members for their work, which has been specially made compatible with ReJobbed or has such work being underway (albeit subject to change).

  • Final Fantasy V Pixel Freemaster hack by Nintenja – compatibility patch in planning phase
  • Final Fantasy V/5R Clean Edition hack by xJ4cks
  • Final Fantasy V DressCode hack by Cubear
  • Final Fantasy V Whirlwind hack by clymax – via Omega project, which is in planning phase

Authorized Hosts


Filename: Final Fantasy V (Japan).sfc
CRC-32: c1bc267d
SHA-1: e937b54fff99838e2e853697e4f559359aa91fd6
YeOldeLoremonger - designer and project leader
Jeroitz - co-designer
CasualTom - playtesting, balancing
xJ4cks - bugfixes, battle system refinements, recoloring battle sprites

Cubear - DressCode beta 6, L/R leader swap v1.0, fixing overflowing icons on Equip menu
Inu - various bugfixes and QoL improvements
Myria, SoM2Freak, harmony7 - RPGe English fan translation

clymax - initial beta publication
File download: 
Help about patching:

Most of the files you're about to download need to be applied to your game. Here is a list of utilities that allow you to do this:

On most files, you can also press “Patch It”, to apply the patch without downloading the file.

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Write a review
A great experience for FFV

Written by: yellow_chocobo - December 30, 2024

I've been playing this hack for some time before it was posted here, and since then I can say that it's a great hack. It's as fun as the original game, like discovering each job for the first time all over again. All jobs are very interesting and have their own dynamics. There are also all the other small and big changes that make the game much more comfortable and fun.


I highly recommend this hack.

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