Hack Name:  Digimon World 2 Conquered
Hack of: 
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.0
Last updated:  October 27, 2024
Type of Hack:  Bug Fix, Gameplay
Downloads:  63


A Mod that allows two players to have a battle combat system as the main walkghrough mode,
Additionally, fixes known bugs in the battle system noted in the game.
you can watch the video

Stacking this mod with other mods will be available through DW2-TT


  • PvP Reimagined: Battle System similar to main walkghrough
  • Battle Fix:
    • Chrono Breaker Tech: correct the behavior when some (Attack / Assist / Counter-Attack) Techs following Chrono Breaker
    • Darkside Attack Tech: target can’t recover HP (all healing Techs)
    • Giga Byte Wing Tech: target can’t Recover Status even the random chance to cure the status
    • Invincibility Tech: correct the behavior when being Attacked by Beast King Fist
    • Shadow Scythe Tech: correct the behavior if it is interrupted
    • Zen Recovery / Parameter Patch / Re-Initilize / Re-Format Tech: reset state changes permanently
    • Venom Infusion Tech: guarantee to disable target’s turn (no more crash or soft-lock)
    • Transcend Sword Tech: correct the behavior 1.5 damage vs guarding
  • Battle Enhancement:
    • Duo ScissorClaw / Scissor Claw Tech: the defense reduction is applied after the damage is dealt
    • Enemy Boss: can be affected or taken damage by Venom Infusion, motivation down Techs, giga-scissor-claw, Confusion Effect
    • Beast King Fist Tech: the damage is 1.8 on Counter-Attack
    • Subzero Ice Punch Tech: every hit increases 7 AP
Code: SLUS_011.93
File/ROM CRC32: B0CD9681
File/ROM MD5: E8EE6810A33C45273800DF07628D816B
File/ROM SHA-1: D9CB009BC0006E901D8AB1365F764AB71DA02115
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