Hack Name:  Chuck Rock - God Mode Edition
Hack of: 
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Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  Final
Last updated:  September 14, 2024
Type of Hack:  Gameplay
Downloads:  51

Unga Bunga! Portuguese/Brazilian Rom hacker ”God Mode” has a treat for you!

Straight to the point.

There are two ROM patches you can download for this game.

1. Chuck Rock – God Mode Edition

  • Hearts restore all energy.
  • Infinite lives.
  • Walks faster even when carrying stones.
  • High jump.
  • Stones don’t sink in lava, mud…
  • Level Skipping – In the game press Up + A to advance to the next level, Down + A to return to the previous level and Right + A to advance to the next stage and Left + A to backtrack to the previous stage.

2. Chuck Rock – Invincible God Mode Edition

  • Invincible to all enemies.
  • Hearts restore all energy.
  • Infinite lives.
  • Walks faster even when carrying stones.
  • High jump.
  • Stones don’t sink in lava, mud…
  • Level Skipping – In the game press Up + A to advance to the next level, Down + A to return to the previous level and Right + A to advance to the next stage and Left + A to backtrack to the previous stage.

Chuck Rock is a solid straight-forward platformer that looks, sounds and plays like a decent 16-bit platformer should so hope you enjoy these.


  • These patches serve to make the game a lot more easier than the retail version.
  • Although down below it says you have to patch to the (Europe) version i’m sure the patches will work with the USA version also as the ROMS are identical, only difference is the ROM header’s read either a 45 (E) for the PAL Europe ROM and a 55 (U) for the NTSC USA ROM. The patches will automatically override your ROM to PAL Europe once patched.
  • All credit goes to God Mode.
Filename: Chuck Rock (Europe).md
CRC-32: 7cd40bea
SHA-1: 832a18eb028630e31b5bacd05f9694f4a827268b
God Mode: All hacking.
Adrian Gauna: Fixed CheckSum and changed region to (E) Europe.
File download: 
Help about patching:

Most of the files you're about to download need to be applied to your game. Here is a list of utilities that allow you to do this:

On most files, you can also press “Patch It”, to apply the patch without downloading the file.

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