V1.1 —
- Cloud level bugfix
- Music test text fix
V1.0 — A sci-fi themed hack consisting of 4 worlds with 16 levels in total. Mario has been erroneously teleported to an alien planet and needs to find his spaceship to get back home. The hack is of medium-hard difficulty and is mostly recommended to people who have already mastered the original SMB1. Some levels require you to go into the right pipe, walk through the right door, or hit the right vine to finish.
The concept for this hack dates to June 2017. Initially being nothing more than a graphical test created by Patty, it was reworked to be a proper hack starting in the Summer of 2020. In 2023 it received a massive upgrade in its music and coding, courtesy of StudsX. Most of the levels were done by Patty, with tweaks done by StudsX and Eden GT. 1-4 was designed by StudsX.
- 1-1 – Arrival at the Planet
- 1-2 – Under the Surface
- 1-3 – Island Hopping
- 1-4 – The First Lair
- 2-1 – Waterfront Stronghold
- 2-2 – Waterfront Cave
- 2-3 – Starry Paradise
- 2-4 – Firebar Fortress
- 3-1 – Amethyst Ice Cave
- 3-2 – Abandoned Underworld
- 3-3 – Pink Velvet
- 3-4 – Convoluted Citadel
- 4-1 – In the Pink of the Night
- 4-2 – Night-Time Madness
- 4-3 – Heavenly Stronghold
- 4-4 – Maze of Freedom
Database: No-Intro: Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20210216-231042)
File SHA-1: EA343F4E445A9050D4B4FBAC2C77D0693B1D0922
File CRC32: 3337EC46
ROM SHA-1: FACEE9C577A5262DBE33AC4930BB0B58C8C037F7
ROM CRC32: D445F698
StudsX: Director, Level Design, ASM, Music
Eden GT: Title Screen Design, Secret Level Designer (post-game)
Hellfire: Graphics
Most of the files you're about to download need to be applied to your game. Here is a list of utilities that allow you to do this:
- Online Patcher: Marc Roblero's online patcher. Works with many different file types.
- Floating IPS: NWell-known patcher for applying IPS and BPS files.
- Delta Patcher: Used to apply xDelta files.
- More Patchers
On most files, you can also press “Patch It”, to apply the patch without downloading the file.
Well made ROMHack, visually pleasing with intriguing music. Level design is evidently well thought out and vibrant in colour, be warned however it is very much a maze puzzle ROMHack but if you like that then go ahead.