You’ve seen Geometry Dash on Mobile. You’ve seen Geometry Dash on Steam.
Now, experience Geometry Dash for your NES!
A team of dedicated fans have faithfully recreated the Geometry Dash engine in beautiful 6502 to give you the greatest homebrew that has ever hit the NES!
ALL RobTop levels have been recreated, and 40 community levels have been added for this version, split into 2 roms (Main and B-Sides).
Famidash is a rhythm-based, action platformer that will test every limit of your patience. There are no checkpoints – every time you die, you must try the level over from the start!
Don’t worry though! – There is a practice mode! Simply pause the game, hit B and you’ll set a checkpoint to restart at so you can master any parts of a level.
Avoid distractions as the game switches your playmode from a jumping cube to a flying ship to a hopping UFO to a rolling ball and more!
The engine supports even more features, such as dual mode, wave, spider, swingcopter, robot, green orbs, spider pads and camera controls!
Plug in an SNES Mouse (Mesen/hardware supported) to control the game ever more precisely, as you navigate and play the entire game without a joypad!
Coming soon to kickstarter as well, where we will create even MORE features for the cartridge version!!
(Beat all of the main levels to unlock that mystery lock…)
Huge update, bringing the total number of levels to 63!
Major physics fixes! More accurate to GD than ever!
The release is split up into 2 roms – Main and B-Sides.
B-Sides has additional levels that would not fit in main.
There is also an experimental VS-Arcade build for the VS system.
1.1 Changelog:
-Fix Nestopia/Delta joypad drifting
-Fix so, so many things (practice mode, etc)
-Added a bunch of new community levels
1.0.4 Changelog:
-Fix practice mode completion taking over normal completeion
-Fix stars/coins from some levels not showing in customize screenm
-Ship physics rework/finalization
-Fix practice mode bugs
-Fix color bugs
-Add additional trail effects
-Enlarge UFO sprites (same hitbox)
-Improve other misc graphics
1.0.2/3 Changelog:
-Fix level select coin display
-Fix practice mode bug
-Improve 3D cube more
1.0.1 Changelog:
-SORRY BUT SRAM WIPE – your saves will be lost!
-Ship/Mini Ship gravity lowered (lighter ship)
-Practice mode fixes – sprites properly load in before player
-Up to 9 practice checkpoints can be placed, overwriting the oldest one and shifting the rest down a slot when the max is reached
-Delete a checkpoint with SELECT
-More mouse controls! Hold left mouse and right click to delete a checkpoint, hold right mouse when pausing to exit level
-Slope improvements
-Spider orb/portal and spider fixes
-Down/Up dash orb functionality changed to reflect vanilla behavior
-Many level fixes (decode, dry out, clutterfunk, nightmare)
-Decode buffs (last ball section, final wave section)
-Progress bars added to level select
-Add jump counter to end level screen
-End level screen effect improved
-Practice Complete screen added
-Practice diamonds move more in sync with screen
-Fix second player explosion animation
-Cam lock on non-cube/robot modes
-Fix H block glitch (could not jump up while walking on H block)
-Fix checkpoint glitch if mouse plugged in port 2 while 2player mode is on
-Wave sets Y velocity to 0 when hitting a mode changing portal
-Remove option to delete a corrupt/missing save, automatically does this
-Remove “B” “Safe to shutdown” screen on menu
-Credits must be viewed on a new save
-Lock icon cursor position moved to side (overscan fix)
-Customize screen CHR fixes
-Music test/all menu screens loop music
-Music test re-organized
-Title screen demo improvements
-Improve 3D cube by RedGD
-Attributes fixed in nag screen
-Off by one issue with sprites fixed
-Level complete options can function with A as well as START
-Platformer mode allows you to multi-trigger orbs
kandowontu director, secondary lead developer, maintainer
AleFunky core code, levels, testing, bugfixes
Ficus mcHousePlant levels, guidance, testing, bugfixes, graphics
alexmush code, code optimization, music
jroweboy graphics, code optimisation, parallax, menu, etc
Zenith music, graphics
Aquamarine music
vikrinox music
AdryanLucas096 icons, graphics
Zee_Scott icons
StudsX ASM, music
dtpls icons
cloud54 various music tracks and art
blacecaptainn icons
aquamarine music
redGD graphics, icons
banana6000 icons, level (decode)
psLOL icons
notapotato64 icons
bigfloppa385 icons, level
lemonaid! icons
A strange bug in version 1.1. “EON” level the block “Dash down” when in contact with the ground – my Cube no longer jumped. I can’t get more than 61% of it. I thought that the “turbo button” for jumping would save me from this state, but it also did not allow me to pass the level further. The result is that it is impossible to jump after landing on the ground and the cube falls from the platform and heads into the wall, in certain loss of life
Check what’s wrong there, because it shouldn’t be like that
Let’s get into it and hopefully nothing gets broken along the way. 👌
It will be an honor to be parth of this
I don’t think a port without permission of a copyrighted game would be legal. Does RobTop Games know about this?
Nice game 🙂