Delete My Data

“The right to erasure” (Articles 17 & 19 of the GDPR) state you have the right to have your data erased, without undue delay by the data controller, if you withdraw your consent to the processing.

In here we explain in detail how to remove your data partially or completely from this site.

1. How to remove comments, subscriptions, follows:

Go to the entry you left the comment and click the gear icon, then click the trash icon. In there you will find all your comments, subscriptions and follows too.

If you want to remove all the comments in bulk click the link “Bulk management via email” on the bottom of that window to receive an email to do it.

2. How to remove entries:

To remove entries you have to edit your entry and revert its Status to “draft”. A draft means it’s unpublished and only you can see it.

To delete it permanently you can do it from the “My drafts” page, as shown in the image below:

3. How to remove the entire account:

Removing the account will remove all the comments, but it will not remove the entries. They will be anonymized and assigned to a “Deleted User”, if you want to delete your entries follow the step above “How to remove entries”.

To delete your account go here