Status:  Complete
Patch Version:  1.5
Last updated:  December 30, 2024
Downloads:  82

This patch converts this infamous AliceSoft classic RPG/ADV hybrid to a hard-drive installed format, and inserts the English script from the 2011 Windows translation by HGTP Translations.

Please read the details and instructions in the enclosed readme file.

1.5 update adds support for the Rance II hint disk which has been recently dumped and made public. It mainly uses RottenBlock’s translation that was released as “Rance II Special Collection” and aggregated stuff from the MSX and PC-88 releases. Translation of the missing segments and consistency edits done by yours truly, and hacking once again masterfully handled by Alpharobo.

Obviously, you need the hint disk dump for the patch to work. Stay on 1.1 otherwise.

WARNING: This game has adult content. Check VNDB for more details.

Disk A CRC32: F7723082
Disk B CRC32: 01F60D63
Disk C CRC32: 184E3617
Disk D CRC32: 64CAF116
Disk E CRC32: B1C83017
Disk F CRC32: 1EBA2F5D
Disk G CRC32: 1A2486F4
*Original translation (Rance 02 remake)*
Thanatos, w8m: hacking
Zweiterversuch, Soletta: translation
Azathoth: editing
Evilmaycry238, Futurelight, Sysreq623: graphics edits
Gosuoune, Kyou_Kun: proofreading

*Windows version backport*
RottenBlock: engine hacking
velt211: script insertion, editing

*PC-98 version backport*
ryu1: N-BASIC to MS-DOS conversion
RottenBlock: engine hacking
Alpharobo: executable hacking
BabaJeanmel: script insertion, additional translation and editing
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3 months ago

Can’t find the dump anywhere. I’ll just wait until this is uploaded on Archive.

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