We could fist look at what smart-language-models (AI) does.. Where and how they are used to get the picture how this could be applied to romhacking.
This is a fancy auto-compleate and learn assistance. It will do amazing things like refacter your code to make it more readable or expandable. Most of the time. When you do not know what it is doing then you probably using it worng.
For 6502/650816 assembly I did not see any usable code it could spit out. I do not know of any project that makes use of it. Like it gets wrong how opcodes work to interact with some stuff and it uses apple registers to change nonexisting things on the NES.. it always delivers a joke though.
When it comes to learning I would not recommand it at all for low level regarding on old consoles. I had people posting me chatGPT copy/paste of questions I asked them.. first it was plain obvies and I do feel this is very disrespectfull. Sometimes make me think it might contribute more to brain-rote then for induviduals to learn stuff. If you know how to use it of corse it is great for learning other things.
Solving monotonous work on dissasembly? If it only can produce somehting that looks like usable assembly code how would this go? May be with the right trainer so let me know..
- Bilding tools with AI functions sounds really nice but I have not seen any.
- Making Art is the same thing use it as insperation or autocomplete. Here a link of some retro game covers expanded with AI. https://www.tumblr.com/nesdraug
- One thing to keep in mind is that most artist hate it to the point where it is a good selling point not to have such features. Because of good reasons like it would produce crap without stealing most of the time. Bad buissnes practices make people angry what a surprise..
I could show you many applications AI was applied in many different tasks. On some places it makes a lot of sense. But for example hooking it up to limited nois generators (like retro consoles have) probably will not generate anything mindblowing. Throwing more compute power at something does not always make it better. But I am intressted to see if there are good task to applie it to.
What is more exiting are acctuall tools that help with romhacking or people who learn how to use them.